12-29-2021 10:55 AM
Bought the router and three points this summer and it worked flawlessly. Until it didn't. Kept thinking it was something I'd done or an issue with my equipment until I found this and another forum where I discovered that the issue of random disconnection from the internet throughout the day is a known issue and has been for months.
I'm pretty sure my issues started in September, but it wasn't obvious until October, when devices throughout our home started losing connectivity at least once per week. It got worse in November, with multiple disconnections per week but came to a head for me earlier this month.
I run a small business. I work from home. I communicate with my clients on Zoom. December is my biggest month for planning calls for the next year. I consult on technology related issues for my clients. Losing clients mid-call repeatedly every week during December was the final straw. If I can't keep my systems up and running, why should they pay me to help them do the same?
I've seen the Google reps on here say, starting in early September, that a fix is in the works. That was four months ago and, if anything, the problem has gotten worse. They know these wifi devices for many of us are worthless pieces of defective electronics. I'm not sure how widespread the issue is, but I've already contacted an attorney in California where they have great consumer protection laws and friendly civil courts to see if we can initiate a class action against Google for knowingly selling and not properly acknowledging or supporting a failing consumer product.
Let me know if you might be interested in joining. I don't want anyone's personal info yet, just indicate your interest here and if I can get something going in January I'll let you know.
P.S. Switching to a Netgear Orbi system as soon as it arrives. Working on an 8 year old Linksys device until then. Not enough bandwidth for Zoom, but (!) it actually stays connected to the internet ALL DAY!!!
12-29-2021 12:07 PM
I'm working my way through support now with exactly the same issues and they seem keen to lay the blame on my ISP, despite me getting 100% of my speed..... It's crazy that they can't organise a new firmware release quickly.
12-29-2021 01:59 PM
Same here. The absurdity is that every other wifi device I connect to my Comcast router works continuously while the Google devices disconnect several times per day.
12-29-2021 06:50 PM - edited 12-29-2021 06:51 PM
I threw in the towel today. Several new Google products for the kids and none of us can use them. Pulled the old Netgear router and extenders out of retirement and I'm getting 866MBS instead of the 50 to 200 I've been getting all month.
With 3 Nest dough balls and 3 Google pucks I'm beyond disappointed.
12-29-2021 07:35 PM
Welcome to the club.
12-30-2021 07:59 PM
There's a common theme here and on other forums and Google seems to be doing the ostrich as normal. I had similar issues and after factory resetting twice in one week the second one failing completely- replaced the main router- bingo issue fixed. I suspect a memory leakage issue. My set was almost exactly two years old so I am claiming a replacement router even though I bought a replacement as I could not get Google's attention. It might be a recent firmware that has introduced this but in the three weeks I've had the new router no issues. It might take quite some time for that memory to fill if thats what it is.
01-02-2022 11:34 AM
Same. How do I get a refund?
04-06-2022 10:56 AM
Recently i switched to a google Nest and 2 points- when it works , it does a fabulous job. The problem is I need my wifi to actually work ..... wait for it..... "CONSISTANTLY." To drop zoom calls, to have constant interruptions during a 1 hour term repeatedly is a problem. We have extremely high speed internet, and the issue only began AFTER installing the google equipment. Don't bother a reset, your just wasting your time. On inspection I am noticing a lot of individuals with the exact same issue . I am concerned that i now have 3 hockey pucks ( and they are really not good for even that).
04-06-2022 11:23 AM
Hey - how recently? If you can return them, you'll be much better off. I pulled the plug in December after documenting dozens of outages per day and losing 4 zoom calls in a single day. They keep saying "a fix is coming" but it is like waiting for Godot...
I went with Netgear, but there are a lot of other options out there as well. Since replacing Google, I have had zero outages in more than 3 months of continuous use. Also, be sure and check out the main thread on this issue here:
Hundreds of people posting there on this issue since at least last September along with the monthly "Google is aware of and adressing the issue" posts that, at this point, are laughable.
04-07-2022 09:49 AM
Hey, everyone.
As an update for you all, I wanted to let you know that we have a firmware update coming out now. Some people may have already received the update, but most will see it coming still. Everyone will have it before the end of April. If you receive that update and don't see an improvement in your issues here, please let me know and we can keep looking into things.
04-12-2022 09:55 AM
Hey, all.
Just to give a bit more info, the update version for both Google WiFi and Nest WiFi will be 14150.43.80. If you are seeing a different version number when you check in Google Home, you have yet to receive the updated firmware. Let me know if you have any questions about that.
04-12-2022 10:07 AM
Will go to the basement and get mine, plug it back in and let you know the results in the next day or so.
04-14-2022 10:37 AM
Thanks, Robert1480. Just let me know if you see any changes when you get a chance to try that out.
04-14-2022 10:45 AM
Well - I do see a change to the firmware because it says Software version: 14150.43.80. Plugged the router and a wifi point yesterday afternoon and left them alone. The software updated some time between then and this morning.
Peformance though? None. Connected a single wifi point (originally had 3), then connected to it this morning for the first time in a long time. Started working and forgot to switch back to my Netgear box. Lost a Teams video call midway through the call, unfortunately. Reconnected after the call and have since lost internet 3 more times.
Back to the basement for these devices!
04-19-2022 02:12 PM
Hi, Robert1480.
Sorry to hear that the firmware update didn't improve things for you. If you're interested in continuing troubleshooting here, I would be happy to continue to look for more solutions with you. I understand if you've moved to a different solution for your needs, but I'm happy to help either way. Just let me know.
04-19-2022 02:24 PM
Open to suggestions. I still own the equipment, was going to gift to my son, but after the experience Thursday, I'm not sure what other suggestions you have.
05-25-2022 03:05 PM
Hey, everyone.
It looks like we've slowed down here. We'll be closing up the thread unless anyone else has any input or needs anything else. If so, just let me know and we can keep this open a bit longer.
11-02-2022 11:42 AM
My Google 6A doesn't connect to the internet. I've attempted to reconnect, I checked all my permissions, I've put in a new sim card. I don't know what else to do. I changed phone company thus the SIM card. I've restarted my modem. I have a non functioning phone Jeff. It's 2 months old. What can I do?
11-03-2022 10:16 AM
Hey buncotray,
If the Pixel 6A is the only device not connecting, I'm going to guess that it's an issue with the Pixel 6A rather than the WiFi setup, but let's look closer to be sure. Does this phone connect to the cellular network at all? Can you get the phone to connect to other WiFi networks aside from your own? If there's any more context you might be able to provide, we can continue looking into this.
11-06-2022 09:17 AM
Hey folks,
I wanted to follow up and see if you are still in need of any help. Please let me know if you are still having any concerns or questions from here, as I would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further.
11-06-2022 02:14 PM - edited 11-06-2022 02:21 PM
It's still occurring to the point where I've "cured" it by installing a smart plug to the wi-fi point, so when the connection between the two is dropped,I can restart it easily.
11-06-2022 02:18 PM
I'm restarting the network 3+ times a day.
11-06-2022 02:22 PM
I got my email offering me a 30% discount on the new Pro version.... Given my experiences so far, I decided not to "upgrade".
11-06-2022 02:44 PM
I honestly wondered if there would have been some type of loyalty trade-in offer for the obviously very problematic Nest Wifi routers and points. A good faith, stick with us option would have peaked my interest so I waited for the release but nada.
11-07-2022 09:26 AM
Hey folks,
Give these steps a try:
Let us know how it goes.
11-10-2022 01:50 PM
Hey everyone,
I wanted to follow up and see if you have been able to try the steps Mel suggested. If you've given those all a try and are still seeing issues, please let us know.
11-10-2022 02:03 PM
I can only speak for myself Jeff, but I tried all of this last year.... Nothing changed then and I'm not expecting that situation to have changed. I even went through these steps with tech "support" after explaining to them that it had all been done. My patience ran out along with their script.
11-10-2022 02:21 PM
Where do your devices stand now, Reddeviluk? Do you still have them running your mesh network? Have you tried any recent troubleshooting?
11-16-2022 09:36 AM
Hi folks,
Chiming in to see if you still need assistance with this. Let us know if you have additional questions ― we'd love to help.
11-17-2022 10:50 AM
Hi Jeff, nothing recently in all honesty aside from purchasing a smart plug socket so I can turn the Google Point on and off more easily to reboot it. I did all the troubleshooting originally, it didn't work, nothing has changed so I don't expect it to suddenly start working. I was hoping that the firmware update would have resolved the issue, but it didn't sadly.
11-28-2022 09:23 AM
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to jump in again and let you know that a new firmware release is out now to Nest Wifi Pro devices. You won't need to do anything to receive the update and it will install automatically once it's available for your hardware. There are a variety of performance updates and bug fixes in the release, so I'm hoping this clears up the issues you're seeing here. Let me know if you have any questions about the update.
Also, we'll keep this thread open so everyone can chime in.
11-28-2022 10:16 AM
If it's the Nest Wi-fi Pro devices Mel, it's of no use to anyone on this thread as, and I'm speaking for everyone, no one here would but another Google Wi-fi device after ours are all faulty to the point where some have stopped using them......
We're unhappy customers, not likely to throw good money after bad.
11-28-2022 10:30 AM
Stop adding insult to injury.
11-28-2022 11:27 AM
Hi there,
@Chicagoing and @Reddeviluk, I'm sorry to hear that you're still having an issue with your Google Nest Wifi. We'd like to take a deeper look into this — could you fill out this form and let us know once you're done?
I understand that most of the customers here doesn't have the Nest Wifi Pro yet, and there are some who has it. I hoped that the update posted above would help them. Thanks for understanding and sorry for the confusion.
12-01-2022 12:02 PM
Hey folks,
Checking back in — have you had the chance to fill out the form?
12-04-2022 12:11 PM
Hi everyone,
I wanted to follow up and see if you are still in need of any help. If so, please fill out the form so we can help you further.
12-07-2022 12:27 PM
Hello folks,
Just one quick final check in here since activity has slowed down. We'll be locking the thread in the next 24 hours, but if you still need help, I would be happy to keep it open. If there's more we can do, just let me know.
12-07-2022 12:46 PM
Well, I've proven myself a point, I purchased another Google Nest Router which was installed on Monday, it's now Wednesday and I've just had to reboot the network because one router lost connection with everything else, so it's not a point with the Points, it's actually a problem with the routers disconnecting. So it's essentially hopeless. Thank God for Amazon returns.
12-11-2022 11:48 AM
Hi Reddeviluk,
That's not the experience we'd like you to have. We're here to help out. Have you had the chance to fill out the form that Mel sent previously?
12-14-2022 12:31 PM
Hey Reddeviluk,
Checking back in — have you had the chance to fill out the form?