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Community Member
since ‎09-02-2021

User Statistics

  • 19 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 2 Kudos given
  • 19 Kudos received

User Activity

Having had issues with my two year old 4 pack I've realised both how bad google support is( to the point I won't buy another) as well as three key features that exist on everyone else's mesh devices1. A lan interface- not just the app - with some bas...
I've had a nest wifi and two points for just under 2 years. I added a third point 8 months ago. It worked flawlessly up until 3 weeks ago when the network failed whilst I was away. Came home rebooted the router and it came up but showed points offlin...
iPhone 12 devices are having issues on Google nest wifi. Whilst it is an apple issue it only seems to happen on Google nest wifi. I ran a ubitiqui access point as an alternate and the issue does not occur. There's a long Apple thread about the issue ...