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Unable to rename Wifi point

Community Member



I am unable to change the wifi point name. I have follow through the steps mentioned on the website, but the name remain unchanged. 


Platinum Product Expert
Platinum Product Expert

What happens when you try these steps?

Change Wifi point name - Google Nest Help

Community Member

The name remain unchanged after I save. 

Platinum Product Expert
Platinum Product Expert

Does it do that regardless of which one you try to rename?

Did you try removing and reinstalling the Google Home app?


Community Member

Yes, regardless of which 1 I rename. 
I didn’t try uninstall and reinstall the google home app. 

Platinum Product Expert
Platinum Product Expert

Give that a try and let us know if it helps! If it doesn't, you can also try restarting your Wi-Fi network. Open the Home app, tap Wi-Fi > Settings > Restart network.

Community Member

I have tried both, but still can’t work. 

Platinum Product Expert
Platinum Product Expert

Does it show an error message at all? When you tap to save, what happens?

Community Member
  • No error message. It just load and saved. However the name doesn’t change after that. 

Community Member

I have the same exact issue. But here is the weird thing, if you run a mesh test, the results will show the point has the new name… but when you go back to the main screen, the point still shows the original name. Very frustrating. I’d also like to add that I can rename my routers no problem. 

Community Member

Mine as well. The mesh test show the updated name of the wifi point, but the main screen remain unchanged. 

Community Member

Please advise how to resolve this issue. Thank you. 

Platinum Product Expert
Platinum Product Expert

I've asked a specialist to review this topic as I've no further troubleshooting options to suggest.

I’m experiencing all of Mr. Fung’s problems as well, with the same results. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey folks,


Thanks for lending a hand, @David_K.

I’m sorry to hear that you’re having this issue. To confirm, what kind of device are you using to change the Wifi point name? Is it an android or an iOS device? Also, have you tried clearing the cache of your Google Home app and then force closing it? If you haven’t, please do and let us know how it goes.




iOS, I have tried uninstall, and reinstall it, the same issue occur. 

Community Member

Same with me: iOS and I deleted the app and reinstalled. I also can’t turn the light off. I can dim it but not turn it off. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello everyone,

I appreciate your update. Could you use an android device just to check if the issue will persist? I'd like to isolate the issue further. I'll wait for your reply.


Community Member

Abi, I’m afraid I don’t have access to an Android device. Not for anytime soon at least. 

Community Member

I do not have an android device to test as well 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,

I'm sorry to hear that you're still having an issue with your Google Nest Wifi point. We'd like to take a deeper look into this — could you fill out this form and let us know once you're done?


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello everyone,

Thanks for sharing your resolution on this issue. I'm glad that everything worked out for both of you. Please let me know if you need anything since I'm going to lock this thread within 24 hours. If you have further concerns, please feel free to create a new post.


Community Member

I have a workaround to change the name. 
Click on Wifi >> Wifi Devices >> Wifi Point you would like to change name >> Setting icon >> Device Information >> update the name

Community Member

Good on you, Alex. I have tried this several times without success. However, this morning, I went to Device Information and, just as I did, the app shut down and updated itself. I opened it again afterwards, went to Device Information, changed the name and Saved it, and it worked. Maybe it was the update - I don't know.