01-19-2022 09:51 AM
Hi everyone,
I've had my nest wifi for almost a year and its been amazing! These lasts two months have been hell. My network is CONSTANTLY dropping and is not reliable, at all. I have 'gigablast' internet with my ISP and can barely watch a movie on Hulu/Netflix without a drop.
Gaming? Forget it. Can't. I've spoken to google support 4 times via chat and phone, still no fix. As an fyi, I've taken the following steps:
1. 'Network refreshed' my entire network. Twice. Didn't help. (Unplugged my modem and all points.)
2. Chage the DNS to 'custom' input and the server addresses I was given by google. Also did this twice. Didn't help.
3. Factory Reset each wifi point. Didn't help.
4. Factory reset my network. Didn't help.
All of this support was via chat and phone. My wifi is still horrendous. It's so frustrating.
If I'm being honest, I am really disappointed with the support I have been given. I feel like I am being given 'busy work' regarding troubleshooting. I have explained to some of the support staff that I have gone through these steps and it has not worked. Still the same steps are suggested. I just want reliable wifi.
Note - Nothing on my network has changed so there is no reason for the failure. Same network name, same password, pucks are all in the same spot, nothing has changed.
Final note - That's another issue, the pucks are also CONSTANTLY switching from great connection, to weak, to offline (and back again) without being touched in a matter of 5 minutes. What is up with the mesh?! (Yes, they worked flawlessly before these issues.)
Answered! Go to the Recommended Answer.
02-03-2022 01:23 PM
It is with great sadness that I am resigning from my position with google nest wifi. I have received an offer from netgear orbi that provides stability. Thank you for what you have taught me.
04-15-2022 12:19 PM
It's hard to follow this thread but after months of trying to solve the issue myself, I finally called Google Wifi Mesh tech support 1-844-442-3693 and the representative Net solved the problem. Took about an hour and I had to grant him permission to look at the network. He still had to ask questions because he can "see" everything. I told him I tried to figure it out myself before calling, he said I should have called earlier. Zero issues after (knock on my head). Good luck.
04-14-2022 09:19 AM
Hey, TheKopester.
There's no way to force the update, but it should be arriving soon. Within the next 10 days or so, everyone should have the update on their devices. As long as the router is connected, it will pull the firmware when it's available.
04-18-2022 10:50 AM
I'm glad to hear that you got it sorted out, Mike83725.
Yes, support by phone can help in many cases since they're able to access your network and see what's going on firsthand. If the update doesn't clear things up for you, that might be a good route to go next. The update will be to everyone by next week.
04-18-2022 11:10 AM
Connecting to support by phone wasn't the case for me. I've went thro support thro chat, as well as by phone and neither helped. I was even escalated to advanced higher up Support twice and neither time, my issue was resolved. Their resolution was to just send me a new router, deeming my old routers defective. As mentioned before, I'm now on my 4th router. Hopefully, whenever the update gets rolled out, it will fix my issue.
04-18-2022 01:52 PM
Hi, TheKopester.
I'm sorry you've had a difficult time getting things ironed out. I can't imagine the frustration you have gone through to this point. If that update doesn't work things out for you, please let me know.
05-23-2023 11:10 PM
An excellent illustration is disengaged and disenchanted. But no tips. So what did you learn - or is it o it negatively you wish to share.?no matter how frustrating we have to live with glitches, and share solutions, not throw it away. Or is this a Netgear troll?
02-07-2022 06:00 PM - edited 02-07-2022 06:03 PM
I cannot believe it. A new twist. My Nest Wiki shows offline and the routers intermittently show connected and offline and it still WORKS! I found the Events History and Nest Wifi started going "offline" Dec 6. A week goes by nothing, all's well, then about two weeks ago it starts going offline everyday. I'll be moving to Amazon eero if this continues. The thing I don't understand is how can the Nest Wifi be offline and the routers online and the connection working? The app is simple and works. Intermittently the Mesh test fails. The set up is simple. It either works or it doesn't.
02-09-2022 06:17 PM
I have 4 AC-1304 units, all version 13729.57.27.
All Google apps on my phone (Pixel 2) are updated.
In the past week or so, I've gotten notifications from my Google Home app that one wifi point or another was offline for x number of hours and is back online again. Those wifi points haven't been touched. In fact nothing about the network has been touched, physically or otherwise.
Last night I selected "wifi" on the Google Home app and it said my network was offline, even though it was working, and multiple devices were connected to it. I physically unplugged and plugged the wifi points, and my network was reported as online again.
Things seemed fine again, until about 10 minutes ago, when the internet connection slowed to a crawl. I ran a mesh connection test, which reported that one of my wifi points was offline. I went to check on it and its operation light was normal.
Last thing I've noticed is that the Devices tab in the Google Home app is stuck on loading forever. No devices appear anymore.
Any ideas?
I just factory-reset my network. Devices list still stuck on loading forever. Sometimes it'll just say "Something went wrong", so I back out of the app completely and try again, to no avail.
02-10-2022 07:32 AM
Yep. My Nest Wifi is intermittently "offline" and various "Online and connected to 1 Wifi point." I have Wifi + 2 points. Both points show Great Connection or one or both show Offline. Mesh test "One or more of your Wifi points is offline in the current location".
*BUT the internet works! I have turned off notifications and if I think about it, restart the network. Nest worked flawlessly via THE APP for several months and then two months ago, according to "events" the system lists failures (offline) for hours and a few for days!!! Yet the internet works. There's a malfunction somewhere and I can't figure it out so I ignore.
02-10-2022 11:28 AM
Still getting weird drops, even moreso than before the factory-reset of the network.
02-10-2022 11:58 AM
Since my previous concerns, I have not had any issues with my network connections. My router connections have been stable, and I have made no changes.
02-10-2022 12:23 PM
Noticed that uploading a picture (~5 MB) to a chat client was taking forever. Ran a speed test via the Home app: "Speed test failed" "Please check to make sure your point is plugged in and connected to the internet". All points and router are on according to operational light, and modem is all OK.
Ran the speed test again just a minute later: "Your internet speed is blazing fast."
02-10-2022 12:25 PM - edited 02-10-2022 12:25 PM
I suppose I would be remiss if I didn't say that these issues are all recent (within the past month or so). Normally my mesh connection is "great" and ALL points have "Great connection".
02-10-2022 12:29 PM
Up until Dec 6, 2021 I had zero issue. Events log started going nuts. I've turned off notifications that Wifi or router 1 or router 2 is offline because my internet is clearly working.
02-10-2022 12:30 PM
This just happened AGAIN. Slow upload of a picture (yeah I like sending pictures), ran speed test in Home app, "Speed test failed". All units still on, modem is OK.
Retried the test again: "Your internet speed is blazing fast".
02-10-2022 03:40 PM
I just noticed a card in the Home app that says:
Today, 3:41 AM In your home
Slow internet speeds
Your internet is slow because of network congestion. Try reducing your usage. If it continues, you an always upgrade your internet speeds.
3:41 AM?????? This is at my mom's house, there's no one awake at 3:41 AM, no devices are on except our cell phones, Amazon Echo devices, and a couple smart switches. Our internet is "blazing fast" according to normal mesh tests.
02-10-2022 11:50 AM
4 times yesterday i had nest go offline and yes my network goes down when next go offline intermittently.
very annoying. i spent tons of time with comcast support and it was not xfinity issue.
All the time it was google wifi and nest wifi
02-10-2022 11:51 AM
has anyone opened support ticket with google?
02-10-2022 12:27 PM
No, because the customer service bar is so low that I don't bother. I swapped router points and now both work. Odd.
Clearly intermittent offline nest issue.
The Nest v Eero review is old but I'll move to Eero if this nonsense continues. https://www.cnet.com/home/internet/google-nest-wifi-vs-amazon-eero-mesh-wi-fi-router-systems/
04-14-2022 08:58 AM
Update: Yes I called Google Wifi Mesh tech support at 1-844-442-3693 and within 1 hour everything was solved for me. Not sure what the tech did, granted him access to "look" at the network (limited view), he still had to ask questions about configuration. Either way, router and points great connection, no issues. The tech was Net and he didn't say it but I got the feeling I did not set up the mesh system right to begin with ... anyway. As my Boston friends say "All Set" with Net LOL
02-10-2022 12:48 PM
Something happened recently over the last 2 weeks that made my Nest mesh worse. I have 2 separate Nest networks from 2 different internet providers.
On my main mess network, I can barely get 3 mb down and like .5 mb up from devices, but when I test the main best router, it gives the correct full speed. The mesh test shows everything good, but in 2 individual points, they show they are offline...I have 4 in that mesh.
On my other network, the home app shows the whole network is down and even a speed test doesn't work ..I only have one nest router in that network, no points. However, I can see the network and connect to it from devices and TV's and it works and I get full speed on it from a device speed test, yet the home app shows all devices on that network are offline and that the network is offline.
I've restarted the main network and I'm going to try to factory reset and start over both networks this weekend.
Support has been responsive when I've called, but they just walk me through the same things I already know without any resolution. I haven't contacted them yet from this, now, worse situation, but I will after I waste a couple hours resetting the networks and connecting 40 or so devices.
02-10-2022 01:05 PM
My "Nest" had three "pucks". One is the Wifi connected to my $300+ wireless router modem that the cable is connected to. The other two "pucks" are the router points. The whole system works fine except intermittently the wifi (puck) and points (pucks) show offline. One access point seemed to be the offline more than the other. I switched pucks and now all are online.
Shouldn't the "puck" connected to the wireless router that the cable is connected to be called the Nest Router and the other two pucks called access points? Doesn't matter. Just a thought.
02-10-2022 02:51 PM
Yes. The main device connected to your modem or internet provider is the router and the remote pucks or mesh devices are the points. A Nest router can also be configured as a remote point.
02-23-2022 12:30 PM
i am still having issues of dropping Wi-Fi at least 4/5 times a day.
I opened support ticket and they went through some settings on google home app but still getting same issues.
has anyone else contacted support and gotten fixed? this is getting very frustrating.
04-03-2022 11:52 AM
Been having this issue for the past 2-4 months now. Has been so reliable for 3 years now it goes offline several times a week. Come on, Google, get this fixed!
04-03-2022 01:15 PM
Does it disconnect you from Internet? Mine shows offline but I am still connected. I ignore the "Event History". Actually look at it an laugh because clearly the Mesh system is working. Someone on the board said an update is pushing but I have not received it yet. Home > Device > Gear (settings) and Software version. 13729.57.27 is apparently being updated.
04-13-2022 09:27 PM
Not sure if you're having the same or a similar issue as mine. My Google nest wifi mesh network also worked great for the first several months, just right past the 90 day mark from me being able to take it back to the store. After that I had to use the manufacturer warranty, after trouble shooting with Support.
My first wifi router, issue couldn't get resolved so Google sent me a new one. This one worked great also for a month or so. Then same issue started happening. Long story short, I'm on my 4th wifi router and I still keep getting the issue. I wish Google would just replace it for a different model.
Issue I'm having is, wifi works great one minute and then none of my devices in my household will connect. Including the wifi points. Only thing that seems to work is factory resetting the network and devices. On my home app, it shows my router is connected.
I've gone through the troubles of having a technician from my Internet provider, come out and even check my Internet and it's all good. I've gotten a new phone, encase my old phone was out dated, which it was close to being. Even got a new Internet modem.
04-21-2022 01:44 PM
after spending hours with google tech support twice still connections dropping multiple times a day and every time its < 4/5 minutes but my work connections drop. this is TOTAL mess.
seriously considering of switching to some other router. Unbelievable.
Has anyone seen this fixed?
04-21-2022 02:38 PM
Yes, after months of trying to "fix" it myself and living with one point on and off (ironically one router and one point picked up slack and worked just fine), more irritating because I couldn't fix it ... I called tech support and Net the Tech knocked it out of the park. I brought the "bad" one into the room with the router and reset it. Net looked at my configuration and I screwed up something but the reset worked and now everything has a "great connection" and nothing dropped "offline". I admit, I was distracted and pissed looking at the events page, if I had never looked I wouldn't have known one point was offline a lot. Subsequently the firmware was updated, perhaps Net pushed it but either was call 1-844-442-3693 and ask for Net ... I hope Mrs. Google gives that guy a rise because I was a real dope and couldn't articulate the problem ... "offline" isn't really good enough. Tech asked for limited access to "see" network but Net still asked about it because he could "see" everything.
04-28-2022 02:54 PM
I give up with the google WiFi points. Down multiple times a week still despite a factory reset. Hoping Costco will take them back although it’s been three yrs.
04-28-2022 03:40 PM
same here. called google tech support 4th time and uploaded diagnostics report. she said they will get back to me in 48 hours and heard nothing. they trained their tech support to talk like they will help customer until issue is fixed but once call is done, they don't care. I did not realize google is that dysfunctional.
i have you tube premium, you tube TV, google wifi, pixel phone - hard to get out of android ecosystem. but i guess i will have to try something else.
05-11-2022 01:07 AM
Having the same issues. Still not fixed on the latest firmware. Tried modifying DNS settings and about every other fix. Nothing has worked. Currently power cycling at least twice a day. Unbelievable.
05-11-2022 09:21 AM
Yeah, I feel for you, the old "been there, done that". I was about to buy a different brand but after 6+ months of hacking around making it worse, I called 1-844-442-3693 and for some odd reason "Net" answered. Me knowing not much and Net knowing everything, we fixed it. Remember, Net was on the phone with limited access and view through technical support app. I haven't had a problem since. But I guarantee you one thing, I am not touching the settings. By the way, one router and one point covers my house. I have one router and two points, only one point was jacked up not working so Net sorted it.
12-14-2022 09:13 PM
I gave up and got netgear orbi's instead. They've been perfectly fine and even faster. Such a shame
12-15-2022 09:59 AM
Hi everyone,
dazman22 and dwarfcow, we deeply appreciate you sharing your thoughts and experiences, and we'll take it as feedback. We hope we can change your mind in the future.
stephonovich78, have you had the chance to try the suggestion above? If yes, how is it?
12-18-2022 05:37 PM
Hey folks,
We’d like to check in again in case you have any further questions or concerns. Feel free to reply to this thread and we’ll help you out.
12-19-2022 06:32 PM
Hello everyone,
We haven't heard from you in a while so we'll be locking this thread if there is no update within 24 hours. If you have any new issues, updates or just a discussion topic, feel free to start a new thread in the Community.
12-19-2022 06:48 PM
The issue is still happening to my access points. No suggestions have helped the problem.
12-19-2022 08:01 PM
12-19-2022 08:06 PM
How are you willing to close a discussion that hasn't been resolved for almost 2 years over inactivity within the last 24 hours?