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Wifi point out of range

Community Member

I have 3 google wifi pucks that have been working for the past 4 years. However, three days ago, the main unit turned to a red light. I had to factory reset and when i made a new network, i tried to connect the other 2 pucks but google home app kept prompting me with wifi point out of range, 

I saw a recent post with the same issue where @Mikriz found an alternative solution but i do not understand what he did. Can someone give me some advice?


Community Member

Hey! By bo means am I well versed at this, it's just what worked for me.

I had a similar issue when I wanted to add new pods to the original 3.

What ended up working for me is scrapping the old network and creating a new one by using the a new pod as the main one and connecting the rest to it rather than adding the new ones to the old network.

Hope this helps!

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello everyone,

@Mikriz, thanks for sharing what worked for you.

@tf2hunts, I'm checking in to see if you still need help. Please tell me if you have other questions or concerns. I want to make sure you're all good now.

Many thanks,

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi tf2hunts, 

I want to ensure you are good to go. Please reply to this thread if the issue persists, so we can give you a helping hand.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


It's been a few days since your last reply — we're going to lock the thread within 24 hours. If you have further concerns, please feel free to create a new post.


Kind regards,
