09-04-2022 05:28 PM
Things seemed ok but a day later 2 nestnpoints show offline! I don't know why. Effects Netflix and all
09-06-2022 10:09 PM
I'm having the same issue.
When i open the Home app the WiFi, Router and Nest points all show as offline although they are actually working.
I know that I can drag the screen down in the home app to force a refresh but this is all rather tacky, and it never used to be this way.
@Jeff noted in a post some months back that this issue was being worked on, is there any permanent fix yet?
Home App Version: 2.57.109 iOS:15.6.1
Router Version: 14150.43.81
WiFi Version: 1.54.294928
09-07-2022 07:07 PM
Hey folks,
Thanks for posting and let's sort this out.
A few questions: is your network showing offline on other mobile devices? Is the LED changing when it shows as offline on your Home app?
Try reinstalling your Home app. Let me know how it goes.
09-07-2022 10:59 PM
Hi Mel,
The Network is online and all WiFi and Routers devices are working.
The home app however shows the WiFi and Routers devices as Offline until a refresh is forced within the Home app. After a refresh in the Home app the WiFi and Router devices show correctly on-line.
I have tried restarting the network and also power cycling the network devices but the issue remains.
I regard to re-installing the Home app.
If I uninstall and re-install will I lose my saved routines and settings?
09-08-2022 08:03 PM
An update on this issue,
I found that my partner's iPhone (iOS:15.6.1) had Google Home app v1.40.104 an older version.
This version of the Home app v1.40.104 immediately connects and does not show the WiFi and Router devices as offline, they are immediately accessible. After updating the same device to Google Home App Version: 2.57.109 the issue of the WiFi and Router devices being shown as offline is immediately apparent.
Looks like Google broke something in the Home app !
09-10-2022 01:16 PM
Hey there,
Thanks for letting us know, gatkins.
Reinstalling your app will not delete your data on your Home app as long as you sign in using the same email address.
Let us know how it goes.
09-10-2022 08:43 PM
Uninstalling and reinstalling just made the issue a whole lot worse!
Now pretty much ALL devices (WiFi, Router, Fans, Lights, TV, Foxtel, smart plugs etc) show as Loading then Offline until I force an application refresh. So much for Google's seamless home integration.
Clearly not working as expected or intended.
What I have tried:
Power cycled google devices.. no change in symptoms
Uninstalled / Reinstalled Google Home App ... symptoms worsened to now affect all devices
Power cycled iPhone device... No change in symptoms
Changed iPhone WiFi settings to unset private WiFi address... No change in symptoms
09-11-2022 12:00 PM
Hi gatkins,
I'm sorry to hear about that and thanks for the effort.
Give these steps a whirl:
Keep us posted.
09-11-2022 05:21 PM
@Jhonleanmel @Jeff
Your suggestion is not a realistic change your network name, Network account and password you must really be joking!
How do you even begin to describe how these may be the root cause of the issues I am experiencing.
Frankly I find your response insulting to even expect someone to follow these instructions unless your intent is to only to further aggravate and divert away from the real issues.
I am not the only person experiencing this issue.
Let me remind you:
I have two identical IOS devices both iPhone 11 running iOS 15.6.1 and using the same network ID and credentials to access Google Home
One of those iPhone devices was running Google Home app v2.57.109 which has the symptoms described as showing devices as offline until a manual refresh is performed.
The other iPhone device was running Google home app v1.40.104 and was working perfectly.
Immediately after upgrading the google home app from v1.40.104 to v2.57.109 the issue with devices being offline appeared.
09-11-2022 06:39 PM
Hey gatkins,
Totally understand that troubleshooting can be frustrating, but these are the most helpful steps to figure out what's going on with your device. Let's give them a try!
Best regards,
09-15-2022 09:38 AM
Hi again gatkins,
I understand the hesitation to try some of the troubleshooting steps out, but I did want to check in to see if you gave them a go and if you were able to see any progress in the situation by doing so. If you've managed to see some change in your situation, just let us know.
09-19-2022 01:54 PM
Hey everyone,
We haven't heard from you in a while so we'll be locking this thread if there is no update within 24 hours. If you have any new issues, updates or just a discussion topic, feel free to start a new thread in the Community.
09-19-2022 06:23 PM
@Jeff right now I do not have the time or desire to rebuild my entire Google home network (25 Home devices) on a whim that overnight something changed causing the Google Home app to not work correctly and that changing the network name, username and password might help.
Maybe one day I will try but for the moment I will tolerate having to hard refresh within the Home app.
At this point I should remind you that as documented earlier the older version of the Home app worked fine on identical iPhone until upgraded to the latest Home app. To me that simply says that the issue is the current version of Home app is incompatible with the current iOS or Apple device.
I would expect that this issue may be wider spread than imagined as because the Home network itself seems to continue to operate unaffected you will only notice this issue if you go into the home app to review the google speakers, WiFi and Router
09-20-2022 10:12 AM
Hey gatkins,
Is there a possibility that with the app update your permissions for the Home app changed? Can you check your Home app settings in iOS and ensure that it has all the proper permissions? We've seen some instances where users have unknowingly altered these settings and ran into a variety of issues. Give those a quick look and we might possibly find something more out there.
09-20-2022 09:34 PM
I have checked that all permissions possible are on for the home app, as I had previously uninstalled and re-installed Home app.
09-21-2022 10:41 AM
Ok, thanks for confirming that, gatkins. I'll keep looking into possible causes and report back with any new troubleshooting steps to try. I'm hoping that the upcoming firmware release for Nest WiFi helps clear this up for you. That is rolling out now and should be to all users within the next couple of weeks.
09-24-2022 01:53 PM
09-24-2022 05:47 PM
Thank you Mel !
Happy to pause here and see what comes in the next month(s)
09-25-2022 11:02 AM
Hi gatkins,
Happy to hear that your issue was resolved! It looks like we can consider this one complete, so I will lock the thread shortly unless I can help out with anything else.
09-25-2022 04:27 PM
Mel, I have at no point suggested that this issue is resolved.
However if that is your thing to close threads then do your best 🙂
09-26-2022 10:03 AM
Hi gatkins,
With the issue still being an ongoing issue, we can keep the thread open and continue to look at the problem and work on troubleshooting steps. I'll continue to look for things we can try here, and I'm also hoping the firmware update coming out now will ease up issues as well. If you see any changes in your situation, please let me know.
09-29-2022 10:49 AM
Hi everyone,
Here are the firmware version numbers for the update that's going out now.
Google Wifi: 14150.376.32
Nest Wifi router: 14150.376.32
Google Wifi (2nd gen): 14150.376.32
Nest Wifi point: 1.56.315675
If you're seeing those numbers on your device software version, then you have the newest release. If you're still on an older version, you should expect to see it soon. Let me know if you have any other questions.
09-29-2022 10:24 PM
Hi @Jeff ,
Thank you for the information. I will keep a watch for the update over the next days and report back when it arrives and if that update resolves this issue.
10-01-2022 12:36 PM
10-04-2022 04:18 PM
Hey there,
I wanted to follow up and see if you are still in need of any help. Please let me know if you are still having any concerns or questions from here, as I would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further.
10-05-2022 04:35 PM
Hi everyone,
I'm just checking in to make sure that you've seen our response. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns as I will be locking this in 24 hours.
09-29-2022 10:47 PM
An update I now see the later software versions you described earlier.
I have also tried a network restart since the updated software.
Unfortunately no improvement.