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new gateway needs to be added to google home devices

Community Member

I am trying to connect my google home devices to my new gateway 

how do I do this


Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

If you've already changed to a different Wi-Fi network, try these steps:

  1. Open the Google Home app.
  2. At the bottom, tap Devices > + Add > New device.
  3. Follow the in-app steps.

If these steps above don’t solve the issue, you’ll need to factory reset your speaker or display, then set it up again using your new Wi-Fi network and password.

Instead of factory resetting your speaker or display, if you're comfortable changing your router settings, you can change your new Wi-Fi network name and password in your router's settings to be the same as the previous ones. Your device should then automatically connect to the Wi-Fi.

Thank you David. How do I google home is connected to the new gateway?

I have three google home devices. Do they need to be connected to more than one speaker?

It has been a while since I initially set it up. 


Ok, how can I check that my google wifi is connected to my new gateway? I have tried to use google home. I have not changed the google router name.

Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

It's not clear what you're asking. 

Do you have Google Wifi or Nest Wifi points and also Google Home speakers or displays or both of these?

I have google wifi. I don’t know how to check that it’s connected to my new gateway. 

Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

Assuming you've physically connected your primary Wifi point to your modem, open the Google Home app, tap Wi-Fi on the Favorites tab, then tap Test network.

I have a photo of the google wifi hub but I don’t know how to upload it. I have three hubs. 

Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

No worries. Have you physically connected your primary Wifi point (the one that was physically connected to your old gateway/modem) to your new gateway/modem?

Community Member

If I tap favorites  it does not show Wi-Fi. 

Yes. It has been connected so I guess that means it’s working? I was just trying to find somehow to show the connection 

On my phone laptop etc

just making sure 

Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

In that case you're going to need to reset your Wifi points and set them up again with your new gateway.

Factory reset your Wifi device - Google Nest Help

Scroll down to the bottom of the article, click “My device isn’t available in the Google Home app”, then select the model you have to see the reset steps. You'll need to reset all 3 of your Wifi points.

Once reset, set them up again:
Set up Google Wifi - Google Nest Help

Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

The easiest way to make sure things are working as they should is to connect to your Google Wifi network and see if you have internet access.

Community Member

hi I do have internet access but it concerns me that the devices do not show in google home. Should I be concerned?

How can I manage the google Wi-Fi network? For example what if I want to change the name? 

Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

Are you logged into the app using the same account you set them up with? 

Community Member

Since I got a new gateway, how do I get the google home hubs to show up in my google home app?

Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

If you're saying your Wifi is working fine, they should still be there.

Are you logged into the app using the same account you set them up with?

Make sure you have the correct home selected at the top left if you have more than one?

Have you added anyone else to the home?

Are you using the latest version of the app? Have you tried removing the app and reinstalling it?

I have three Wi-Fi hubs. They are not showing 

tried reinstalling 
no one added correct home 

im using the same email 

Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

So we've ruled out it being an issue with the app, multiple accounts, and them being accidentally removed by someone else added to the home. I'm not aware of any other root cause here so I can only suggest as a next step, you factory reset your network and set it up again, unfortunately.

Factory reset your Wifi device - Google Nest Help

Scroll to the bottom of the article, select "My device isn't available in the Google Home app", then select your model to see the reset steps. You'll need to reset all 3 of your Wifi points.

Community Member

I would like to manage my google wifi network (possibly change names etc.). How do I get it added to the google home app so I can manage it? It is working with the new gateway, I would just like to be able to manage it.

Community Member

Couldn’t connect to Google Home Mini. Make sure local network access is enabled for the Home app in your phone's privacy settings. Then try again.

I looked at the google home app and there are not privacy settings 

I looked at internet for the router and no privacy settongs

i have tried factory teset

Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

Let's try to focus on one issue at a time to save confusion. Let's get your Wifi points back in the Google Home app so you can manage them, then we'll take a look at your Google Home Mini. Follow these steps:

Factory reset your Wifi device - Google Nest Help

Scroll to the bottom of the article, select "My device isn't available in the Google Home app", then select your model to see the reset steps. You'll need to reset all 3 of your Wifi points.

Once reset, you can set them up again:
Set up Google Wifi - Google Nest Help