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Broadcast requires domain permissions

Community Member

This is on all my Google Home devises.

Now when I try and broadcast through the speakers is it saying I need Domain Admin permissions?

Where do I go to set that up?


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi KenAtSunrise,


That’s odd. Were you able to broadcast messages before? Are you getting that message from any of the Google Home speakers you started to broadcast? How about using Google Assistant on your phone? 


Community Member

Yes, I would just say 'Hey Google, broadcast dinner's ready' or any other message. Now it just quit and I need domain admin's permission.  I don't know what changed.  I have Google Workspace.  I'll try on my phone tonight, but I'm sure it's the same, since I tried it from my care to say 'I'm almost home' and go the same respone.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


Since you mentioned you’re using Google Workspace, the message about the domain admin’s password may have something to do with your email. Were there any recent changes to your Google Workspace account settings? Visit this link and check if the recommended settings are set.


Let me know how it goes when broadcasting a message from your phone.


Community Member

Trust us, It is not odd! 

Community Member

I'm the Domain Admin and I've not made any changes. Something must have happened on Google's side. I'm trying to figure it out.

Community Member

Does anyone from Google look at these? I can't find any answers.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi @KenAtSunrise,



Thank you for your patience! I apologize for the delay in getting back to you about the issues you've been encountering with your speakers. I'm here to help you troubleshoot and get them working smoothly again.


If you're using Google Nest speakers and the Google Home app for broadcasting, you likely need admin access.

  • Admin Role Required: Broadcasting messages on Nest speakers requires admin permissions in the Google Home app. This means you need a Google account with administrator privileges for the location where the speakers are set up.


Switch to an Admin Account: If you're using a non-admin account, switch to one with admin rights for that location. The account owner (the person who set up Google Home) usually has admin privileges.

Request Admin Access: If you're not the account owner but want to broadcast, request admin access from them. They can grant you the necessary permissions within the Google Home app settings.

Scenario 2: Other Broadcasting Applications

For applications other than Google Nest speakers, the solution might vary:

App Permissions: The app might require specific permissions within your device or network settings. Check the app's settings or documentation to see how to grant these permissions.

Domain Admin Rights (Businesses/Organizations): In business or organizational settings, broadcasting messages might require domain admin rights on the network. This is typically for system-wide announcements and would involve IT support personnel.


All the best, 





I'm sorry, this is such a useless answer. It doesn't provide any details on where these changes would be made. I'm the admin for my workspace account and it's unclear where any of these changes would be made. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi @dsteketee,

Thanks for posting in the community. 

I apologize that my previous response wasn't as clear as it could have been. Since the troubleshooting hasn't resolved the issue, let's explore some additional options to get this fixed for you.

Would you prefer to:

Schedule a call with a specialist: We have specialists available who can provide more in-depth assistance. You can fill out this form to schedule a callback. 
Continue via Chat: If you prefer a text-based chat, you can mark the chat option on the same link. 
I appreciate your patience and understanding. Please let me know if you have any questions.




Community Member

I am having the same issue.  I clicked on the link given to schedule a call back.  got one immediately and the person who I spoke with on the phone said they don't deal with google workspace and he was going to send me a new link with a new form.  Not great customer service.  Google workspace has all sorts of issues and there definitely is a better option somewhere for small businesses.  That email hasn't come in yet, I hope it does one day.


How is this the recommended answer? It doesn't even prescribe specific actions to fix the problem?

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi @dsteketee

Thanks for posting.

While the previous steps might not have resolved the issue entirely, I appreciate your effort in trying them. Here are a couple of ways you can report the issue and get further assistance:

  1. Fill out this Form to get a call back: This form allows you to directly report the issue to Google, and they might contact you for more details or troubleshooting. 

  2. Send Feedback Through the Google Home App: If you prefer, you can also submit feedback directly through the Google Home app. Here's a quick guide on how to do that:

    • Open the Google Home app and tap your profile picture in the top right corner.
    • Select "Feedback" and choose the device you're having trouble with.
    • Tap "Get Started" and describe the issue in detail.

I appreciate your patience and understanding. Please let me know if you have any questions.


It this a joke? There aren't even any specific steps in the proposed resolution. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi @dsteketee,

Thanks for reaching out to the community!

I understand your frustration, and I apologize that the previous information didn't address your concern about this important feature.

If you guys @dsteketee@BL3, @cimbian, can please submit feedback to get this issue resolved as quickly as possible, your feedback is crucial. Here's how you can easily send feedback directly to Google through the Google Home app:

  1. Open the app and tap your profile picture in the top-right corner.
  2. Select "Feedback" and choose the device you're having trouble with.
  3. Describe the issue in detail, explaining how this feature is important to you and the specific problem you're encountering.

The more details you provide, the better Google's engineers can understand the issue and work towards a solution.

Here to help!



Community Member

Can you tell us a step by step instruction on how to grant the permission?

Community Member

Actually, even I used Google Home App to broadcast on my iPhone, I also got the same error message.

Community Member

Sorry I mean the APP on my iPhone to broadcast a message to my Google NEST Mini 

Community Member

Mine has started doing the same and I know I've not changed any settings. It is quite frustrating that Google keep breaking functionality, especially without any prior notification. 

Community Member

Me 2. Everyone got the same issues and I don't think there are only 3 of us having this issue. Why do we need to do all the handwork?

Community Member

I got the same issue.  Here is the exact message I got 
"Sorry, but to do that, you'll need to ask your Google Workspace administrator for permission."

Community Member

Same here

Community Member

Same issue here. And many reporting the problem as well on Reddit. Seems to be effecting all workplace and legacy workspace users.   Google please fix and not silently remove yet another feature from corporate users.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi everyone,

I understand some users have been experiencing issues with the broadcast feature on speakers and displays. I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.

The good news: Our assistant team has already rolled out a fix!

If you're still encountering issues:

  • Please let me know by replying here or sending feedback directly through the Google Home app. This helps me confirm the fix is working as intended.

Here's how to send feedback through the app:

  1. Open the Google Home app.
  2. Tap on your profile picture in the top-right corner.
  3. Select "Feedback" and choose the device you're having trouble with.
  4. Briefly describe the issue.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!



Just tested the following phrase: "OK Google. Broadcast, dinner's ready." and I received the same error message regarding permissions. I rebooted the device. Re-tested the behavior, and still receive the same error regarding google workspace administrator permissions. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi @dsteketee,

I'm sorry to hear you're still having trouble with the broadcast feature. Did you have a chance to try broadcasting again after the first attempt?

If you did and the issue persists, I'd be happy to escalate this to the assistant team for further investigation.

In the meantime, are there any error messages you see when trying to broadcast? Any additional details can help pinpoint the problem.

Thanks for your patience!

All the best,


I will test tonight.

Community Member

Hi Jorge, It works now. Thanks for your prompt action.

Community Member

Oh...  It is not complete fixed.  It works if I say "Hey Google, Broadcast" then wait for google to reply "What's the message?", Then I say the message. 
BUT, it will have the same problem if I say "Hey Google, Broadcast + Message" in one sentence, 

Community Member

I need to mention that at the very beginning, the system worked fine even if I said the everything in one sentence. Then, like, a few months ago, the system started only accept I chopped the whole sentence into two pieces. Then, recently, it stopped working at all. 
Now, you have fixed the "two piece" case, but it is not a complete solution and you haven't found the root cause of the bug.  Hope this info helps your team.  Good Luck!

Community Member

Good catch. The two step process indeed works. 

Community Member

I just started encountering this issue for the first time today. I was able to broadcast yesterday, but it doesn't work today.

Community Member

It's broken again. 

Ok Google 


"What's the message?"

Breakfast is ready.

"I'm sorry but to do that you'll have to ask your Google workspace administrator for permission."

Community Member

I have the same problem again too... Seems like it is not a bug. It is a cancer!!!

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi @dsteketee,


Thank you for your patience and for letting me know that the domain permission issue for broadcasts has reappeared. I understand your frustration and apologize for the inconvenience.

I've escalated this issue to a specialist team, who will investigate further and determine the root cause. I'll keep you updated as soon as I have more information or a potential resolution.

I appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


Best regards,



Community Member

It stopped a while ago and has NEVER worked since. Honestly I generally liked Google, but the longer I stay with them the more features they seem to delete. Did Google remove this feature deliberately? 

Community Member

P.S. If requesting Admin permission is a real thing and not a made up answer. Then where do I go to do that, and please be very specific. 

Community Member

I'm having the same problem. I was able to broadcast yesterday, I didn't make any changes in admin and today I get the same message everyone else is reporting.

Community Member

Maybe we just all need to pull a Michael Scott but instead of saying "I declare bankruptcy!" We just yell "I grant permission!"

Community Member

Same issue here. Started months ago and still isn't resolved.  I sent feedback but that was worthless as no one ever reached out and clearly Google isn't listening to us.