07-11-2022 05:45 AM
Hi, I just bought a CCwGT, my set up is CCWGT -> Denon s517 -> Panasonic TH49EX600H
It's weird that from Google TV's Netflix, I can see Atmos supported. But when I click into the movie and there is no sound at all (5.1 also) unless I choose the normal sound channel.
If I set the surround sound format manually as Atmos, and I choose movie use Atmos or 5.1 Netflix will pop up tvq-pb-101 (5.2.5) error code.
However, if only my TV and the sound bar. The 5.1 is able to play.
Can anyone help me?
07-13-2022 02:46 AM
There may be problem problem with configuration of your equipment. You have to read manuals (eHelp) of your TV. I am not sure of it is possible to redirect multichannel sound from your HDMI to soundbar. I am not sure if your TV is able to do so. This is what I have suffered too. My TV does not support that. Let me know how old is your TV?
At the same time TV support 5.1 sound if you use apps from your TV (Netflix, DLN server and so on), but when used HDMI (in), then not.
However you can chceck if it is possible to use ARC HDMI to send back sound to you soundbar. That means you have to use correct HDMI socked to do so.
07-13-2022 06:29 PM
Hi folks,
Thanks for the help, robus_pl. I appreciate it.
Dim1001, in addition to that, Chromecast output surround sound if a particular app supports it, and if the Audio/Video Receiver (AVR) or TV it's plugged into tells the Chromecast over Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) that it supports 5.1, AC3, and AC3/EAC3 surround sound. If the TV or AVR do not support one of these settings, Chromecast will not output surround sound. Also, Netflix will emit 5.1 surround sound if Chromecast is connected to an AVR that supports Dolby Digital Plus (DD+).
07-14-2022 01:53 PM - edited 07-14-2022 01:55 PM
We may have a problem with sound sometimes if we use Chromecast<=>Amplituner<=>TV and TV or Apmli has wrong settings set up in case of HDMI features. Chromecast may read EDIT from TV or from Ampli (depends which one is switched on first). Then we need to reset EDIT to let the Chromecast read corret one to receive the righ sound. 🙂 It is not alway easy and known.
So Dim I think it is not so obvious that Chromecast caused your problem.
I also have TV Panasonic and I was shocked, when I saw that info in eHelp:
-Aplicable DHMI features:
Input 2ch Linear PCM.
Means no multichannel...???
That is why my Chromecast is connected to Ampli first. This way I have the best possible sound that Chromecast supports.
07-13-2022 07:06 PM
Hi, thanks both of for the reply.
After many testing for the different set up, I bought another brand’s product. Then I got what I want instantly, which tells that my other equipment are fine, the issue is on the chromecast.
07-14-2022 08:39 AM
Hey there Dim1001,
That error code you mentioned, the tvq-pb-101 (5.2.5), seems to be a Netflix error. Are you receiving Dolby Atmos in other applications? If so, you may need to get into contact with Netflix Support to see if they would know anything more about that particular error.
I look forward to your response, and if you had any other questions, please let us know.
Best regards,
07-14-2022 02:30 PM - edited 07-14-2022 02:31 PM
One request = please do not close topica too, before the answer/solution is known and written.
For instance:
Re: Issues with Google tv chromecast and Google ho... - Google Nest Community
I would like to know the solution first. For others who may be looking for solution.
07-14-2022 01:35 PM - edited 07-14-2022 01:56 PM
Could you please tell us what did you get? What kind of device?
07-18-2022 11:39 AM
Hey there Dim1001,
Did you have any more questions or need any additional help?
Thank you,
07-19-2022 12:30 PM
Hey Dim1001,
Did you have any more questions or need any additional help? If not, I'll go ahead and lock up this thread in 24 hours.
Just checking up,