06-09-2022 03:31 AM
I'm trying to get my Chromecast Ultra activated, after having it in storage for a couple of years.
Unfortunately, Google Home via Pixel 5 says that my Chromecast needs to be activated first.
When I attempt to get the Device Utility app, as per several other threads, it is no where to be found.
Searching the Play Store yields nothing. Using the links from previous threads says that the URL does not exist.
How am I supposed to get my Chromecast working then?
I have tried restarting, factory resetting, and unplugging/reconnecting the chromecast several times but to no avail.
Internet is quite good as I've streamed spotify from the my laptop while doing all of this.
06-15-2022 12:21 PM
Hey there Jaspis,
Welcome to the Chromecast Community Forum! At the moment, there is an issue with the Device Utility app, so it is currently unavailable for download. There are currently two work-around methods to get the Chromecast activated. First, if you have a Pixel phone with the Device Utility app installed, disable the mobile data, then activate the device in the Device Utility app. The second method is to use another device, such as a phone or tablet, that isn't a Pixel phone to activate the Chromecast.
I'm really sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you, I know from experience this issue has been a headache. If you had any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Best regards,
06-19-2022 05:16 PM
Hi folks,
Thanks for the help here, Jeran. I appreciate it.
Jaspis, were you able to try the suggested steps provided by Jeran? If yes, how was it? You may also check this Community post for more info about this.
06-19-2022 05:38 PM
Unfortunately, my pixel doesn't have device utility and I don't have any other mobile devices that I could try with. It's beyond my budget to acquire another one at this time.
06-19-2022 07:32 PM
Hi Jaspis,
Thanks for getting back to us. We'd like to take a look into this — could you fill out this form and let us know once you're done?
06-22-2022 07:33 PM
Hello there,
We haven't received your form yet — were you able to fill it out?
06-26-2022 09:10 AM
Hey Jaspis,
It's me again. Have you had a chance to fill out the form? Do you still need help?
06-27-2022 06:08 AM
Apologies. I was knocked out a couple weeks from a bug.
I just submitted the form, but it might be moot. A friend visited and took my Chromecast Ultra for recycling and gave me a normal Chromecast device.
06-27-2022 11:04 AM
Hi Jaspis,
No problem at all, and I hope that you feel better now.
We got your form — thanks for filling it out. Keep your lines open as our support team might reach out to you via email anytime soon and please be advised that they may ask you about your Chromecast Ultra since that is the device you're having an issue with when you initially posted your concern. Also, please be informed that this thread will be locked after 24 hrs.