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Community Member
since ‎03-03-2022

User Statistics

  • 7 Posts
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  • 4 Kudos received

User Activity

I have a Nest thermostat and using Google Home. I have set Presence Sensing to switch the thermostat to Eco when we are both away and to resume normal temperatures when one of us gets home. It worked fine through November 25. Then, it stopped detecti...
The iPhone App gives you the ability to designate an active sensor during preset (by Nest) time periods. It also supposedly gives you the ability to change the sensor at least until the next time interval (9 PM, 7 AM, 11 AM, or 4 PM). So, if you want...
I have 3 Nest sensors in addition to my thermostat. If I use my iPhone to switch to one of them (not on its scheduled time), the thermostat use this sensor, but if I check a short time later, it has reverted. It does so before the mandated times (e.g...