I'm afraid I don't understand- I don't see any form, and I'm not still
having an issue.I'm not sure how you interpreted my posting, but it was
saying that I don't personally want to spend any more time on this, and
was just curious if Google had fixe...
I followed those exact steps back on 15 June 2022 after speaking with a
google support person named "Rick". It had no effect back then, so
unless there's been some clearly documented change since then for which
it bears repeating this exercise, I don...
I opened the Google Home app, WiFi, Settings (gear), Preferred
activities, and UNchecked "Video conferencing". Visited
https://fast.com. Initially was showing low numbers, but before the end
of the speed test, went back to normal. Don't know if this ...
Does anyone have a clue what the Google Home speed test is doing that
causes the speeds to return to normal? I am 100% certain that it does
this. I have Gigabit service and five Google mesh WiFi units, and
normally speeds are in the 700-800Mbps range...