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APPS: Nest versus Google Home

Community Member

I have a few cameras that I bought some time ago and have them in my NEST app
and just a few days ago, I purchased the camera with floodlights and noticed that I could NOT add this to my NEST APP

Based on some research, I believe that I understand that going forward, all products will be hosted in the Google Home APP ONLY? Is that correct? 
So the NEST APP is no longer needed? If TRUE, can you tell me when Google Home APP will be enhanced to work as well as the NEST APP? 
The notifications are, well, useless coming from Google Home APP, they are not helpful at all, and the streaming history review, well, it doesn't always work... so you have to wait for it to work to see if someone walked up on your yard. I now have to get up to look outside, which defeats the purpose of the camera. 

And is there no option for me to use the NEST APP for all my Cameras? Why can't I have the option to use the NEST APP? 

Suggestions, Ideas are very much welcomed.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey folks,


Thanks for visiting the Community. Since this thread hasn't had activity in a while, we're going to close it to keep content fresh.


We hope you were able to get the help you need, but if you're still having trouble, please feel free to submit another post, and provide as many details as possible so that others can lend a hand. Hope this helps!


Best regards,
