12-26-2022 09:33 PM
Hey Everyone,
I have a quick question.
is there a way to set user restrictions?
I would like to grant my children access to the Home App but don’t want them to be able to change certain settings.
For example I don’t want my child to edit or change allowed Wi-Fi times that are available to her.
also, lock out thermostats, and other items.
01-01-2023 12:29 PM
Hey Chadfilbert,
Thanks for posting.
Anyone who joins the customer’s local Wi-Fi network gets an option in the Google Home app to join the home. This action doesn’t give the person the access to the customer’s devices, but it sends a request to the current home members. Once you're added as a home member, you have the same level of access. There’s no owner of the home. Any home member can remove other home members. You can visit this article for more information.
Hope this helps.
01-04-2023 12:34 PM
Hi there,
I wanted to follow up and see if you are still in need of any help. Let me know if you are still having any trouble from here, as I would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further.
01-04-2023 02:37 PM
Thanks for taking time to reply to my question.
If I understand correctly the system is t capable setting “Admin or Parent” level access to certain devices in the home.
If that’s correct, this would be a great opportunity for the Google team to add another feature to an already great system.
Thanks and Happy New Year!
01-04-2023 03:07 PM
Hello Chadfilbert,
We hear you! We appreciate users who are keen on sharing with us their thoughts/experience — we'll take this as feedback. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns as I will be locking this in 24 hours.