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Delete duplicate devices.

Community Member


I have a Google speaker that for some reason is displayed twice when I look at the devices in Google Assistant.  I do not have the option to delete either in the app.  I tried removing it and adding it again and it would still show up as duplicates.  I tried doing a factory reset and got the same results.  When I go into Settings->Rooms and Groups I see it in the proper room and then it shows up in the bottom under local devices.  I even tried changing the name to the device and the name is changed on both locations.

How can I remove one of them so it only shows up as 1 device?



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello  Chucky44,


Thanks for sharing details about the issue here. I know the feeling when you can't remove duplicate devices on the Google Home app. Let's try to get to the bottom of this. A few questions: when did the issue start? How many accounts are linked on the Google Home app? What is the make and model of your phone? Do you have the same issue when using a different phone/tablet? What is the Google Home app version on your phone?


Let's go ahead and try creating a new home structure, then move your devices from the old structure to the new one. Once done, delete the old home structure and check if the duplicate devices will appear on the new home structure. Please follow the steps on this link on how to create and move devices to a different home on the Google Home app.


Let me know how it goes.




Community Member


The issue has been there for about a year now.

2 accounts are linked to the home.

iPhone 11's for both.

Latest version in the app store 3.0.111

I have a lot of devices connected to Google Home, makes no sense to create a new home and move them all.  Google needs to come up with a better solution.


Community Member

I have the same problem with a smart plug, I have it twice, with the same name and I place it in the same room. I found no way to remove a device, but just to unlink the underlying application but this removes all the devices associated with that 3rd party application.  There has to be an option to remove a device from Google home....

Community Member

Same here. But I have about 40 DUPLICATE devices; most are Philips Hue lights plus other device types, like smart fans, smart switches, TVs, appliances, etc.

Setting up an entirely new “home” with new rooms and partner integrations would be extremely time intensive. Bad solution. Bad Google Home experience. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,

I understand and am sorry for the delay. Check out this link and see if your unwanted apps and devices are still linked. If so, you can remove it from there.


I hope this helps.




Community Member

what link?

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Chucky44,


I updated the post. Check it out once more. 




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


I just wanted to follow up to see if you still need our help. Please let us know, as we would be happy to answer any questions you may have.



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello there,


We haven’t heard back from you, so I'll be locking this thread in 24 hours. Feel free to create a new one if you have other concerns in the future.


