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Nest Cam Outdoor

Community Member

Anyone else have issues with the Nest Cam Outdoor (wired) being offline?  I swear it's offline more than online, which isn't very helpful. 

I tried once contacting support and all they said was to make sure it's on the 2.4g wifi and not the 5g wifi, and that it may be too far from the router.   Yet I can open my wifi settings on my phone and find 20 different networks from neighbors 6 houses away, but the Nest Cam can't run on a wifi router 50ft away?  


Silver Product Expert
Silver Product Expert

Hello,  I'm an end user like you and I have been working with these cameras for years.  That should definitely not be happening.   I have (6) cameras (combination of old and new) and they are more than 50 ft from my router.   It almost sounds like the camera is getting a weak signal maybe because of a think wall or some other piece of electronics causing interference.   So just as some simple trouble shooting can you try moving the camera into a different location for a few days and see how it does?   

If it still has the same issue then maybe you can ask GOOGLE to replace it if it is under the 1 year warranty. 

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I cannot move the camera as it's installed above my garage door to watch the driveway. 

I will likely try adding a wifi booster or something along those lines. 



In my experience, being able to detect Wi-Fi networks on your phone is not the same as having a Wi-Fi signal that is strong enough to support live-streaming from a video camera. We can see lots of our neighbors' Wi-Fi networks on our phones. We have one camera that is 25-30 feet away from our nearest Linksys access point, and the Wi-Fi signal strength (as shown in the Airport Utility app on my iPhone) was weak enough that I added an inexpensive directional high-gain Wi-Fi antenna to our Linksys router (which sits in the kitchen window with the antennas facing the garage), and now the camera is always online.

Thanks for the reply.  I understand live streaming video takes a good wifi signal, I'd just hope that my 1g/s Telus internet would be up to the task lol. 

My doorbell camera, which is only about 15-20 ft closet to my router than the nest Cam outdoor has never gone offline. I will have to try adding a booster or something and see if that helps. 


Thanks again.