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No qr code

Community Member

I don't have my qr code someone stole my camera then removed the qr code before returning it to me. I have the serial number but no place to enter serial number plz help me




The QR code was removed? Like sanded or filed off? Generally the QR code is on the bottom or base of Nest cameras. Sometimes the serial number is printed above the Quick Response (QR) code icon and the 6-character (letters or numbers) setup key is printed below the Quick Response (QR) code icon. You should have the option of entering the 6-character setup key manually during the install (instead of scanning the QR code), and you should then see a list of the last 4 digits of the serial number next. Often what's printed on the camera or the base is rather hard to read.

Yes the code was removed by the people that stole my camera but then quickly realized they couldn't use my camera and returned it without the code.. yes I know what swell people.. I cannot find or see where that supposed code is can u send me a pic or tell me exactly where to locate code.. when I take back off that qr code attached to the motherboard my phone cannot read it 


That's a crappy move.

Our one Nest indoor camera is mounted un on the wall in our garage. This video, at 2:00, shows the QR code on the bottom of the newer Nest indoor camera:

@LaceyLou Screen Shot 2022-01-24 at 2.10.49 PM.png

Here's a photo of the QR code on an older Nest indoor camera. 

If you're unable to obtain it, maybe it's worth contacting Google Nest Support:

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there, 

Sorry to hear that you're having issues with the QR code. As MplsCustomer stated, you'll need to contact Customer support.


Best regards, 

Garrett DS

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey folks,


Thanks for visiting the Community. Since this thread hasn't had activity in a while, we're going to close it to keep content fresh.


We hope you were able to get the help you need, but if you're still having trouble, please feel free to submit another post, and provide as many details as possible so that others can lend a hand. Hope this helps!


Best regards,


Community Member

Our camera is brand new and does not have a QR code anywhere. When I try to setup without, I put in the 6 digit code and it finds it, but then tells me to pick from the list of 4 digits, but the list never appears. What else can I do?