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Recover data taken before adding a subscription.

Community Member

We have a nest doorbell but did not pay for the subscription. We had a package stolen from our door 10 minutes after it was delivered. i was able to take a screen shot of the perp walking away with our package. Thought that if I initiate the subscription then I may be able to recover some video footage of the whole incident. Unfortunately the subscription whiped out my whole history. Is there a way to get it back? 


Silver Product Expert
Silver Product Expert

Hmmm,  I'm and end user like you and have been around these cameras for many years.  Unfortunately I think you are out of luck here.   Google could not have been legally  recording you video and storing it without your permission.  When you sign up for the subscription then you are agreeing to let them record.   As for getting back your old history I think you are out of luck there as well (my best guess).       However if you want to contact Google here is the link to setup a support ticket.