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Chromecast Audio, music distorted when browser minimized...

Community Member

I have a brand new Surface Laptop 4 that is superior in every way to my previous computer. However I have a very strange issue now when I am casing music to my Chromecast Audio device through a browser. The audio player perfectly unless I minimize the browser. After a few moments it becomes very distorted, somewhat like it is skipping but also sounds like it's sped up too.

This happens regardless of what music service I use and if I bring the browser back up then after about 10 seconds the music starts playing fine again.
So far I have tried updating all wireless drivers, rolling back the drivers, reinstalling Chrome, factory reset on the Chromecast, I've tried raising the priority of the Chromes processes, and just about anything else I could think of... Really at a loss here!
134 REPLIES 134

Community Member

Hi Jennifer

Thanks for the explanation. Still amazed how waiting 4days since your post then saying you will close the thread makes sense.

Anyway - do you have any updates? How are the team getting on with the issue?


Community Member

Having the same issue. On a fresh Windows 11 PC. If my Chrome window loses focus it distorts audio wildly like its performance is stuttering, and then if I click back to the window the audio picks up speed trying to catch back up to where it should be at.


I'd really appreciate a solution to this, and it's frustrating seeing the insistence on locking this thread when no solution has been provided.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,


I'm sorry for the late response.


NW17, I've checked your case and it shows that one of our Senior Specialists already reached out to you via email. You may reply to it to further assist you.


m33ts4k0z, we received your form and our team also sent you an email. Please check your inbox and continue the conversation there.


JHee, have you tried the suggested steps shared on this thread? If you haven't yet, please try that and let us know how it goes. 




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello JHee,


How's it going? Still need help?




Hello using the Canary as suggested in the mail didnt help.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi m33ts4k0z,


Understood. I'd suggest you reply to the email and let our Senior support know about this so they can further look into this issue.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi JHee,


I want to check if you still need assistance. Feel free to let me know if you do.




Yes Jennifer. As long as the problem persists we do need help! And it is no help to constantly asking for closing the thread. Have a look at the problem and you will see that it is still unresolved and for that we need a solution. I think as long as the problem persists you do not have to ask if we need any help. We do!

I also have the problem for a long time but today I also figured out that it occurs if chrome on desktop gets in the background. But keeping Chrome in foreground is no solution because my workstation can do more than just having chrome in the foreground.

And yes, the problem also can occur on Android.
But I could not figure out when it occurs. But the result is the same, distortion on audio.

I have windows 11 and the actual official chrome version. But the problem occurs long before windows 11 was released.
I have a pixel 6a with the latest chrome version. but it also occurs on older chrome version and on the pixel 6 pro and pixel 5.

Community Member

This happens with a regular Chromecast (not Chromecast audio) too. It's super annoying.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello axl99,


I'm sorry to hear about that. Have you tried the suggested steps provided on this thread? If you haven't yet, try it and keep us posted.




Community Member

Yes. Literally no one has reported that this has fixed their issue, so I don't know why you're beating this drum so loudly and so eager to lock the thread. There's obviously a problem that goes beyond making sure your chromecast is plugged in.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello axl99,


I'm sorry if you feel that way. You can check the explanation above regarding the locking of threads. Also, if the issue persists after doing the troubleshooting steps shared on this thread, feel free to fill out this form so our Support team can further assist you.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there axl99, 


Have you had a chance filling out the form?




Hi JenniferV
any chance that the developers can fix this issue?

Community Member

Hi Jennifer

Hopefully you can see there is clearly an issue.

Any luck in finding a fix or any update you can share?




Community Member

I have been dealing with this same issue for the past month where it sounds like aliens invade my speakers as soon as I attempt to minimize Chrome when casting from it. I take solace in seeing I'm not the only one having this issue but, besides the entertaining conversation, I do not find much info here on actually fixing the problem!  In the efforts of helping show what is going on HERE IS VIDEO OF THE ISSUE:

You will notice 1) the audio is fine when the chrome window is maximized -> 2) once it is minimized it turns into delayed space invader audio -> 3) once chrome is maximized again normal audio returns within 3-4 seconds.

I have noticed that the specific chrome tab that the video/audio is playing from does not need to be maximized to keep the audio regular, leaving ANY one chrome tab maximized is fine. As soon as they are all closed though, that is when the audio problem occurs. I hope that this can be escalated to an engineer/technician to provide an answer to all community members here (not one on one emails that don't help all that are running into this problem)

*I understand there are probably automatic triggers for closing threads after a certain time of unresponsiveness but please do a review of this and the other messages identifying that no solution has yet been provided before offering to "go ahead and lock the thread", thank you!

 Somewhat the same problem. Sadly the open tab didn't work for me. It comes and goes and its not everyday so tracking the cause has been such a pain!  I have two Chromecast Audios running in different rooms ( for two years now) and one side started garbaling last month.  Some days it is fine as I mentiond and others it starts going in and out with the garbaled distortion. Nothing was changed about the setup. I followed all the recomended fixes given in this thread and others with no results. I reset the Home App and WiFi then moved the Chomecasts between sides and had the same problem on the same side. Replaced the tablet I use to cast, I also used a computer to cast, and a phone with no luck. I replaced all the cables, then replaced my amp and even got a new Chromecast for TV and put an audio split on it and after a day or two it had the same problem. Thinking it had to be some new electronic interference in just this area I did put it as far away as I could from the components to reduce the posability as recomendations had said, without luck.  I even put it in a metal box at one point. Just today I put the old Chromecast back on and it is working for now. 

This may not help fellow users but maybe it will spark some new ideas in tech's minds. 


Community Member

Same   with Chromecast for Google TV and latest Lenovo laptop bought in Dec 2022.   For me it does  happen when chrome is minimized  but also  if I switch to  a different browser like firefox or switch windows. -jerky audio speeding up and fragmented.  

This happened with Chrome cast ultra and older laptop so surprised with the latest  tech this is still an issue.   Yes , I filled out the form.   They should go back to try to auto  send it directly to the TV.   Now  I was asked to allow it when available but it never seems to  trigger .  It used to switch back and forth if it needed to.   I am saddened to see this thread going on without any solution from Google.

Community Member

Same here!
We have crackle / popping audio after starting Outlook (or any other Office products) on WIndows 11.
The audio is streaming from a youtube video with the cast (tab) button from the Chrome browser to our Nest Audio Speakers.
After closing Outlook the audio became normal after some seconds...
It also happends when using Word/Excel or other Applications by Microsoft Office.
Maximized the browser didnt help in here, also minimizing and/or popup the browser didnt help.

Hope to see a fix somewhere!!

Thanks a lot!

Life is what you make of it.

Community Member

The same situation happened to me too. I use the chrome browser in windows 11 to cast youtube sound to Nest mini. I'm going to fill out the form, and waiting for Jennifer...

Community Member

Hi - i have the same issue ever since buying a new lenovo thinkpad laptop which came with windows 11 - which I can't help thinking must be the problem. My old lenovo laptop with windows 10 can still cast audio without any issues. 

My issue is pretty much the same as others above. If I use any version of chrome (including incognito) I get the distortion 10-20 seconds after the browser loses focus - either by minimising or by opening up any other app. If I then bring back chrome to the front it will sound OK after 10-20 seconds.

Note - its fine if you change to a different tab but you need to have chrome open and in front of you at all times which is obviously impossible if you want to do anything else on your laptop.

Community Member

I have had the same issue of garbled audio to my Chromecast. The problem started in 2022 when I installed Windows 11. 

After I reverted back to Windows 10 the garbled audio stopped and Chromecast worked properly.

This week I tried again to install Windows 11, hoping that Google would have solved this problem. As soon as I tried casting to my TV using Chromecast the garbled audio issue reoccurred. 

The garbling problem occurs as soon as the window which is casting the audio (Google Chrome in my case) is minimized or sometimes even in a resizable screen.

It is remarkable that after all the reports of this identical issue that no solution has been identified.

Please help!


Community Member

Add me to this list of affected users. My issued started with my new ThinkPad running Windows11 (no previous issues from my dinosaur HP with Win10). I mostly stream radio station streams and prefer their pop-up living on the other, not main, monitor for easy access to pause, volume, etc. so I basically have 2 separate windows of Chrome open. I mostly run into problems when I have certain apps open (LibreOffice and AutoCad seem to be the main culprits - so far that I’ve noticed) and at least one of the Chrome windows is or becomes minimized. So it seems the work-around works (have all Chrome windows up) but I really have to think about that because I like a clean screen (other than the mini player off to the side). None of the other suggestions worked (reset CCA, run in Canary, etc.). It also does not help, maybe, that Win11 combines all windows of the same app on the taskbar. Another dislike I am having but I digress. Anyway I will fill out the form and send it Google. Maybe that will help.

Community Member

I can confirm this happened in W10 as well for me.  I wonder if 16GB memory is not enough as Chrome is a memory hog as it is.

What is meant by " two separate windows open"  Tabs or two Chromes open. If so which one has the chrome cast been casting?  The one you minimized or the one not? If the latter than having two open is not the solution  . I will have to try.

For me the main issue is if I am casting from a tab. Even if  still maximized in the back ground. I could jsut go to the desktop and  it will happen.

Since the Google folks are not addressing this, I suspect what they are doing is trying to say " Hey,. if you want to cast a tab you have to keep our app in the front.  

I mean I could have 20 tabs open in chrome and not have this issue. as long as chrome  app is the front app, I can switch tabs at will without the issue.

Since this happened to me in W10 and with earlier versions of Chromecast, it seems Google has not hired the  top end coders to work this out.  

Community Member

I have 32gb memory so i don't thing your 16 is the problem. By 2 windows i mean either drag a tab from chrome onto the desktop which puts that tab in it's own window or right click a link and select open in new window. Either way I have 2 chrome "windows". But issue recurrs if one of those windows minimizes. Another work around I found is to use canary as my stand alone casting tab. Keep chrome and all my tabs that i'm browsing as i usually do with canary off to the side streaming. So far this seems to work as long as i keep canary up, which I do to keep the player controls available, then chrome can minimize and maximize as I like. So far so good. Will let you know if anything changes (or if Google gets back to me with a real fix LOL).

Community Member

I could not reproduce your results.

I tried 

Canary  open, full screen, cast tab streaming movie.

Switch to Chrome browser , not Canary which pushes it in the front and within seconds have the audio issue.  If the browser casting the tab is not on top, it does not work.    The tab does not have to be  but the browser it is casting from has to. 


Community Member

Another find

I tried casting in Microsoft edge.   It casts with the same issue.   Doesn't that mean  it is not related to CHROME but  the ChromeCAST.    Or could it be something in the router priority?

Community Member

no, they both use the same engine so i could be that the problem persits on both.

Community Member

Yes, could be router issue. Somewhat. I do get much better, but not perfect, or at least not expected, performance when i make sure im on 5ghz and not 2.4. 

Community Member

I am on 5ghz now  with same issue.   

Community Member

I was chatting with Chromecast chat and they were no help .  They just claim that  if you can  cast from your phone there is nothing wrong with the chromecast device and told me to contact the PC or Laptop manufacturer or to contact Chrome browser.    When I told the chat rep  this has nothing to do with the PC or Laptop and that it happened on multiple  Chrome cast devices, there was no suggestions past that.  

Community Member

ok, but i cant cast from the phone. I also had this problem castring from phone.

Community Member

I don't think it's a router problem. I had google wifi and now just fritzbox with mesh. problem exists on both.
I also don't know why the google devs shouldn't get that reproduced and fixed. the problem persists since several years an now more and more ppl report it. the should get it reproduced, can not be that hard. and if they can reproduce they also can fix it.

Community Member

That would be fine if they were even willing to work on the issue.   They dont even moderate this topic from what I can tell and they never responded when I submitted a form.  

I think we can all agree this is an issue that shows itself if the browser that is open is not  "on top" for lack of a better way to explain it.  

Community Member

This crackle audio has for 100% nothing to do with router or wi-fi settings..

Life is what you make of it.

Community Member

I was just trying to figure out what else it could be and since the  info has to go through the router and  maybe  it had something to with resources and Chrome not liking it is not in the forefront. It sure seems like it needs priority and seems to know when it is not.    
If anyone has a VPN, I wonder if that helps?

Community Member

I did the same..

I had looked up for services in Windows, onboard devices, etc, but the only thing i can think of is a software issue between Windows,  memory and streaming audio.. as long as you keep up the browser in the front and doing nothing else in windows  eveything stays working without interrupt.

Life is what you make of it.

Community Member

Hi all, can this be the issue where we all having troubles with?!

Chrome browers does have a (new) option to save memory by turning off inactive tabs:

Chrome Help:
To save your computer’s memory and help active tabs run smoothly,
Chrome deactivates tabs you haven’t used in a while.

Turn Memory Saver on or off:
  1.  Settings.
  2. On the left, click Performance.
  3. Turn Memory Saver on or off

    We can at least try this and give it a shot?
    Hope it will makes us happy...

    Please let me know!
    Nice evening.
Life is what you make of it.

Community Member

No, does not fix the problem for me.

Community Member

Where is the performance section. I can not find it on Chrome for a PC