05-11-2022 03:14 AM
Hacked? Extreme privacy concern. I'm the only one to have access to my Nest Hub Max. I was deeply disturbed to glance at my Nest Hub Max this morning and see a pop-up message saying the live view camera view was off, which only shows a person has disconnected from live view of the nest camera. My settings confirm I'm the only one who has access and there is no record of anyone gaining access to the account. Someone has figured out how to get into my camera system without my consent.
05-11-2022 06:35 AM
Google responded with instructions on how to turn off the camera. Google declined to acknowledge the privacy violation. Further, what use is the nest hub max without a camera? With it on, someone who can spy on you without your consent? The real problem is accountability. And I'm going to consult my legal team if I don't receive an appropriate resolution.