09-02-2021 04:13 PM
For those that do not already know the Nest Protect smoke alarms actually have an expiration date on the carbon monoxide sensors.
Now you might be thinking if you're in an all electric house like me that you don't need the carbon monoxide sensor, just the smoke one, but unfortunately when it expires it completely disables the device altogether.
I had my 2nd Gen Nest Protect stop working in January of this year. It wasn't expired but just straight broke giving a message that the sensors were no longer working.
Now here is the part that I think should be borderline illegal. When nest replaces your device they will replace it with whatever device they have in the warehouse and will not necessarily replace it with a like-for-like model.
According to support this is because they do not want people being without a smoke alarm for any extended period of time. I'm not happy about this but at least I can understand their logic.
What I do not understand is when they replace your device they give no guarantee as to when the expiration of the new device will be.
In my case, they replaced my 2nd Gen Nest that expired in 2029 with a 1st Gen Model that expired 09/01/21. The device was replaced in January so that means I only got about 8 months of life out of my RMA device.
How can this possibly be legal? Support offers no recourse for this problem other than if you get another expired model, call in for another RMA, explain the issue all over again, and hopefully get another replacement with a further out expiration. I can only do this until my 3 year warranty expires, far short of the supposed 10 year life span of the device.
TL;DR - Nest can replace your current gen device with an older model and provides no guarantee as to the expiration of the new device. It could expire 1 month from receiving it for all they care.
10-13-2021 01:23 PM
Hey there,
I'm so sorry about the late response and to hear about the issues that you're having with your Nest Protect and the expiration dates, we definitely want to see how we can help out here.
Do you happen to have a case ID that we can look into and investigate further on?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Garrett DS
10-31-2021 01:26 PM
Was this resolved? Are you still happy with your purchase? I’m trialing one before I invest over 1k on smoke alarms. Want to be sure google stands behind their products. This post is a little discouraging
11-17-2021 02:25 PM
Hey folks,
It looks like we haven't heard back from the OP so I'm going to go ahead and lock the thread. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to create a new thread.
Have a great day,
Garrett DS