09-22-2021 06:36 AM
I have done this and the nest protect glows green which indicates it can connect to the network. However, still glows amber indicating offline afterwards. I have 8 protects and two to three keep doing this same behavior. Any ideas?
How to manually test Nest Protect's Wi-Fi
Use the steps below to manually check Protect’s the network connection before the scheduled time.
Note: Nest Protect doesn’t maintain a constant Wi-Fi connection. After each troubleshooting step above, you should manually test your Protect’s Wi-Fi connection.
10-06-2021 12:26 PM
Hey there,
Sorry for the late response, but I wanted to drop in here to help.
I understand that these issues can be confusing but I definitely wanted to stop by and see how I could help.
Just wanted to double check to see if you were still needing help on this? If so, what troubleshooting steps have you tried?
Please let me know.
Best regards,
Garrett DS
10-06-2021 08:06 PM
I have 3 wires protects that show offline at random times. This has occurred on and off ever since they were installed. When I check the connection at the device is says connected but the app and online web app show offline after 30 mins. I doubt it's the router because the other 5 protects have no issue. I have also upgraded the routers in the past year with no change with the protects. And the protects indicate connected in the router gui.
10-07-2021 08:59 AM
Hey there,
Thanks for writing back to me and providing me more information. Have you tried factory resetting the device? Will you try that, and unlinking the devices from the app as well and reconnecting them?
I look forward to your response after you have tried those.
Best regards,
Garrett DS
10-11-2021 03:18 PM
Hey there,
Just wanted to jump in here to check to make sure that you saw our response. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns as I will be locking this in 24 hours.
Have a great day.
Garrett DS
10-13-2021 11:29 AM
Hey folks,
It looks like we haven't heard back from the OP so I'm going to go ahead and lock the thread. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to create a new thread.
Have a great day,
Garrett DS