02-20-2024 02:07 PM
I have a UK thermostat with heatlink
I have reset the thermostat by holding the screen nest button down
when it reboots I get a symbol of the neat home plus a down arrow above it.
when I try and connect in the app it will not scan the barcode
it then try’s without the scan get a error TD 30
02-22-2024 09:41 AM
I can see after 24 views everyone has rushed into help you!
First of all what exactly is the problem, does it do anything?
Are you saying that you cannot setup the thermostat from the start?
I can see you have reset the display, but why?
Setting the thermostat up from scratch does not need any QR code if you want a simple setup.
Explain exactly what you have done or trying to do, and perhaps we can help.
02-23-2024 08:01 AM
I had the unit installed and working fine for about a year.
It lost connection with heatlink
I followed trubleshooting which led me to reset.
After reset the app will not communicate with the Nest
02-23-2024 09:24 AM
OK I think I understand where you are.
Your system is working fine except you have no App access - correct
Forget the bar code try this to pair the thermostat to the app.
From the Display, open, Settings - Nest App - Get Entry Key
Make a note of the 7 digits shown
Go to your phone/pad/PC - Open the app - Settings - add Product
Follow the instructions to install the thermostat.
You maybe using Google App which may be a little different, but the principle is the same. get the 7 digit code first, and then enter that when asked.
02-23-2024 10:49 AM
thanks for help
the Nest does not respond to rotation or short push on the button.
after reset it displays google colours and then changes to house symbol with down arrow above the house
02-23-2024 12:09 PM
We need to go back a bit here! Are you saying you have a UK setup with Heat Link?
the logo you see on the UK display after restart is a White House only, nor arrow or Google colours. Do you have the Google logo show on the display when you say colours?
Have a look at this also, remove display from wall plate and check the pins on the back are all straight.
02-23-2024 12:23 PM
thanks again
yes, it is a UK version with heatlink, I use on a gas fireplace that needs a dry contact
the unit is table mount
when first powered on the G symbol in multi colours show, then a ouline of a house with a down arror above the house, all inside a white rectangular outline
see picture below
02-23-2024 12:47 PM
Yet again another clear situation where this forum fails. There needs to be a section for UK, USA and 3rd gen, E gen thermostats. Guessing which country users come from and which thermostats they have is difficult. Rant over, Mods wake up!
Anyway, you have an E generation, and I was thinking you had a 3rd gen!
I have just found this info, see if this may help.
The TD030 error can occur because:
Your phone and the assisting device are on two different Wi-Fi networks.
To check that the assisting device is working correctly, follow the troubleshooting steps below.
If you have more than one Wi-Fi network, you may have to move your phone to the same network the assisting device uses.
02-26-2024 05:23 AM
thanks for your help
I do not understand what "assisting device" is.
I am using app on my phone.