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Heatlink is broken

Community Member

Hi There,

My Heatlink is broken and had power issue. A couple days ago it lost power. The diode is broken. What to do?

thanks for the help!


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there! Sorry to hear that, but no worries, I'll do my best to assist you. Could you please let me know if there are any LED lights on the Heat Link?

Hi, Thanks! No there are no leds burning. There is no power in. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello there! Can you please answer these questions: 
1. How long has your thermostat been installed for?
2. What is showing on the Nest thermostat display?
3. Have you had any power cuts recently?
4. Have you had any work done on your electrical or heating systems recently?
5. How many zones are present in the setup?

Community Member


1. for 2 years 
2.Nothing Heatlink has no power, 
3. no
4. no
5. 1

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Thanks for replying. Could you also please try or confirm the following steps:

1. Check if all the breaker switches are set to on.

2. Turn them off and back to on.

3. Try to turn on manual mode.

Community Member


switches, there are no switches on the heatlink only a button
But There is no power in. On the internet people talking about the powerunit (diode) is broken. Its the same thing here 🙂 I have no power on the Heatlink





Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Thanks for letting me know. Would it be alright if I send you an email with a form to complete, in order to create a case in my system with your issue? Afterwards, we can proceed further. 

Hi, yesss. Perfect! #

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

I sent you the email with the form. Please let me know here once you manage to complete it.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi, I wanted to check in. Make sure to let us know here once you complete the form, so me or one of my colleagues can check it. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there, just checking in with you. As you haven't replied, I'm gonna go ahead and close the case. If you need anything else, please let me know. Have a great day ahead!

Community Member

Hello, I filled in the form, but no response at it. I dont have heating for months now, dont leave me hanging here. Could you please **bleep** with a solution?

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi @Ramon1981 . I managed to locate the form you submitted. I will be in touch over email with further information. Let me know here once you've received my email. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there @Ramon1981. Have you seen the email from my colleague?

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there @Ramon1981. Have you seen the email from my colleague?

Community Member

Hi Paul, 

Yes, thanks! i am on it.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Alright, pelase give me a message here when you've done it. Thanks.

Community Member

I just did it 🙂

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Thanks! My colleague sent you an email with the options we have available. Please let me know here once you've replied.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello there! Just checking in with you. Did you see my colleague's previous message?

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there, I haven't heard from you in a while so I'll be locking this thread. If you have any new issues, updates or just a discussion topic, feel free to start a new thread in the community. Thanks, Oana.