12-24-2021 03:14 AM
I have 2 circuits in the house, each controlled by Nest 3rd Gen, out of the blue the upstairs circuit has failed with thermostat showing no power to Heatlink, no lights showing, not responding to pressing the button. Tried reboot and no change, checked the mains power to Heatlink and that’s fine, the other (downstairs) circuit is fine. No electrical supply issues in the area since last winter. I contacted the installer who said I’d need a new Heatlink, but you can’t buy them… what’s the solution? Thanks
12-24-2021 08:16 AM
The person who sold the thermostat is responsible to start of with, who was that and when?
12-24-2021 11:03 AM
Google! Hope they’re reading all the similar reports and we can come to an arrangement. With a dual system it was always a gamble whether Nest’s savings would break-even within the life of the kit, but if this is normal life-expectancy I’d be better off without it just burning gas!