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Nest thermostat doesn't recognize power connector wires

Community Member

I read that Nest Thermostats don't support stranded wire which is what the power connector uses. Any thoughts on this.


Community Member

do you mean the 24v common wire is stranded and the rest are not?

Community Member

All the wires on the Nest Connector are stranded. They are very tight and appear to be soldered. When I go through the setup it says “w” not detected and no power on “c”

Community Member

It is a heat only system with only red and white wires

Community Member

Usually nests do not work well with stranded wires or those are not 24v systems. Anyways your issue is common where your furnace isn’t cycling often enough to keep the battery charged in the nest. If you have an extra wire tucked in the wall, you can connect it to the c wire port and then connect the other end of it to c on the furnace controller.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,


@heggie, thanks for reaching out. Stranded wires are indicators that you have a high voltage system which isn't compatible with the Nest Thermostats. I'd like to take a closer look at it. A few questions: what type of Nest Thermostat do you have? In what country are you located? Also, what is the make and model of your system? 


I appreciate your input, @Jaytech.


