09-21-2023 03:31 PM
My Nest has stopped working. No idea why. One day it was fine the next it wasn't. It did not respond when I touched it. What did I do? I removed it and charged it with a USB cable. It came alive. I plugged it in but it would not communicate with the Nest wifi controller. I could see it on my iPhone. The message was: "Your thermostat cannot connect to Wi-Fi because it isn't getting power." Now nothing had changed with the electricity power supply but despite that I checked the electric circuit it was powered by at the Consumer Unit. No tripped switches there. Between the consumer unit and the Nest is a 'box' with a fuse. I replaced the 3 amp fuse with a new one. So no issue with the cable serving up the power to the Nest. Now I am stumped. My surmise therefore is that the Nest must be faulty. Here are pictures and videos that I have taken.
Here are links to the videos:
Link to video on Dropbox
Link to another video stored on Dropbox
Link to third video stored on Dropbox
Any help welcomed..
By the way Nest says it is out of Warranty after 2 years but UK consumer law states it should operate for what one would expect its' norma life expectancy should be and that extends it to uptown 6 years.
09-22-2023 06:10 AM
Being in the UK you have a Heat Link box are there any lights on the box at all?
Yes you are 100% correct - excellent, go for the consumer law, at last I have found someone who has used their brains. I have bleeting on to users with faulty thermostats for years [read my posts], don't waste your time on here go back to the shop/installer. THEY are responsible to get your problem sorted.
This type of item would have a peiod of about 5 years under the law, as it cost about £200, which equals £40 a year in depreciation
Consumer Rights 2015: Fit for purpose - Last a reasonable length of time - Reasonable Quality