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Nest thermostats does not stop cooling and it's sensing temp drop quite bluntly

Community Member

It was fine last summer and in passed winter. Now when AC is, the thermostats seems quite insensitive to temp changes and AC is always on. 
It'd take a very long time to show the temp drops 0.5 degree celcuis, but my other temp monitors drops reasonably. Even when I put my another temp monitor beside the thermostats, Nest has a higher temp shown.  But I noticed that as soon as I change the temp setting, the thermostats would refresh to show the room temp and then cooling would stop accordingly. I see there was a firmware upgrade in April 22, 2022, not sure if it's caused by this firmware?

is there anyone noticing same issue with me? thanks. 


Community Member

Hi I am having same issue with my thermostat. Current temp shows 22.5 C and target was 23 c. and it is still running my AC.

Community Member

the temp 22.5C is showing on the thermostats display? or on your another temp monitor?

On the thermostat.

Community Member

mine is a bit different, the temp shown on thermostats is somehow stuck and it keeps believing the room temp is 25C while all other temp monitors say it's 23.5C

Community Member

It's so weird, I am using this first time and it seems not performing as it should be. 

yeah, it feels like the sensor on my device is broken or what, hope someone knows what's going on could help. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey everyone,


Sorry for the late entry into the thread here, but I wanted to come in and see if you were still seeing this issue. If you're still having problems, let me know what troubleshooting you have tried so far and I'll be happy to pick things up from there and work with you.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey everyone,


I'd like to jump in here and check if you've seen Jeffrey's response. Let us know if you need more help by replying to this thread.


Thank you for your help, Jeffrey.





Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there,


Thanks for being here in the Google Nest Community. 


I'd like to bump in here and make sure that you’ve seen our response.

Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns as I will be locking this thread in 24 hours.


Have a great day.


Best regards,



I am having issues with thermostat, it keeps on cooling even after target temp reaches. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

HI Chintan1299,


Thanks for reaching out here in the Google Nest Community.


We could check the temperature schedule and look for those sets where the temperature changes. You could delete or reset them and we should be good to go.


Let us know how it goes by replying to this thread.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey Chintan1299,


I just wanted to follow up and see if you're still in need of help. Please let us know as we would be happy to answer any questions you may have. 


Best regards,




i tried changing schedule. And seems it still keeps AC ON for long period than it should be. Like 45 min to cool from 24 to 23.5. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Chintan1299,


Thanks for the reply here and we're sorry for the delay.


If changing the schedule didn't help, we could try to delete the entire Nest Thermostat schedule and then set your desired temperature and check if it is going to have the same behavior.


Let us know how it goes by replying to this thread.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey folks,


I just wanted to follow up and see if you're still in need of help. Please let us know as we would be happy to answer any questions you may have. 


Best regards,



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey folks,

I just wanted to follow up and see if you're still in need of help. Please let us know as we would be happy to answer any questions you may have. 

Best regards,

Community Specialist
Community Specialist



We haven't heard from you in a while so we'll be locking this thread now. If you have any new issues, updates or just a discussion topic, feel free to start a new thread in the Community.




Community Member

I tried calling customer service, but no luck getting hold of any one. 

Platinum Product Expert
Platinum Product Expert

Looks like this software update has a new feature…dumb math calculations for temperature.  

NestPro, Google Pro, Mechanical Engineer and HVAC service company owner.

Community Member

I’m also having odd temperature sensing issues, my nest is detecting that my apartment is hotter than set, but not turning on the AC