12-26-2023 01:31 AM - edited 12-26-2023 01:34 AM
I have a similar problem reported here. Due to changes in my internet provider i needed to reset my entire network setup (this is another problem, why do i need to factory reset my network if my connection switched from dhcp to pppoe). And now one of my Google WiFi mesh point can't be connected due to missing lablel.
I have connected it in the past using the procedure described here but this time there is no psk code.
The output of is below , as you can see (marked in red) no psk code in WiFi setup section.
Can somebody assist me ? i already did factory reset several time and there is no psk code
{ "dns": { "mode": "automatic", "servers": [ "" ] }, "setupNetwork": { "ssid": "setupF8150" },
"setupState": "ONLINE_NETWORK_TIME_AVAILABLE", "software": { "blockingUpdate": 1, "softwareVersion": "14150.376.32", "updateChannel": "stable-channel", "updateNewVersion": "", "updateProgress": 0.0, "updateRequired": false, "updateStatus": "idle" }, "system": { "countryCode": "us", "groupRole": "none", "hardwareId": "GALE C2E-A2A-A3A-A4A-E5Q", "lan0Link": true, "ledAnimation": "SETUP_REQUIRED", "ledIntensity": 30, "modelId": "ACjYe", "oobeDetailedStatus": "JOIN_AND_REGISTRATION_STAGE_DEVICE_ONLINE", "uptime": 62 }, "vorlonInfo": { "migrationMode": "weave_all" }, "wan": { "captivePortal": false, "ethernetLink": true, "gatewayIpAddress": "", "invalidCredentials": false, "ipAddress": true, "ipMethod": "dhcp", "ipPrefixLength": 24, "leaseDurationSeconds": 86400, "localIpAddress": "", "nameServers": [ "" ], "online": true, "pppoeDetected": false, "vlanScanAttemptCount": 0, "vlanScanComplete": true } }
12-27-2023 09:10 AM
Hi chehlo,
Our team would like to take a look at this. Kindly fill out this form and let us know once you're done.
12-29-2023 09:30 AM
Hi there,
We got your form—thanks for filling it out. Our team will reach out to you via email anytime soon. Please continue the conversation there so the team can further assist you. If you have other questions or concerns aside from this, let me know.
12-31-2023 03:52 AM
Ok for the record. I have needed to replace the unit. Nothing helped. Seems like there is a limited number of factory resets that restores the PSK (no clear explanation why).
So if you are performing factory reset for this purpose and got your PSK, save it for the future use it will not always be there .
01-23-2024 12:15 PM
Hello there,
Thank you for your input on this. Also, it would be best to continue the conversation with our higher tier of support, since you're now in contact with them, to see other troubleshooting steps and more options about your concern. If you have other questions or concerns, kindly send us a message. We're here to help the best that we can.
Kind regards,