12-18-2022 03:25 PM
My iphone 14 pro will not hold a phone call when I use a Google mesh router. I have three points. Connectivity to the Internet is solid both up and down loads when I turn Wi-Fi off. The phone works fine. Any suggestions?
12-19-2022 10:24 PM
There are known issues with using iPhones on Google Wifi due to internal settings Apple enables by default.
This article should help. Ignore the "setup" title and try the suggestions one at a time with testing in between until the culprit is found. If multiple settings were changed before resolving, you can test turning them back on in reverse order to see if some of them can be re-enabled without causing problems.
12-20-2022 03:52 AM
A HUGE thnak you, Patrick; I will do so. I greatly appreciate your help and will keep you posted.
12-24-2022 12:17 PM
Hey folks,
Thanks for lending a hand, @PatrickP_Viking.
@Sdperl, I wanted to follow up and see if you are still in need of any help. Please let me know if you are still having any concerns or questions from here, as I would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further.
12-27-2022 12:53 PM
Hi Sdperl,
We’d like to check in again in case you have any further questions or concerns. Feel free to reply to this thread and we’ll help you out.
12-28-2022 12:56 PM
Hello Sdperl,
We haven't heard from you in a while so we'll be locking this thread if there is no update within 24 hours. If you have any new issues, updates or just a discussion topic, feel free to start a new thread in the Community.
12-28-2022 01:40 PM
I had the most success shutting off a competing wifi signal. The suggestions above were good but could not fogure
out the last
12-28-2022 03:42 PM
Hey Sdperl,
Thanks for the update. To clarify, is your issue already solved? What specific step do you need clarification on? Let us know so we can continue to help out.
12-31-2022 05:01 PM
Hi Sdperl,
Checking back in should you still have some questions here. Let us know by replying to this thread.
01-01-2023 05:12 PM
Hello Sdperl,
I'm just checking in to make sure that you've seen our response. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns as I will be locking this in 24 hours.
01-01-2023 05:15 PM
Tried everything (as beat I could). I also shut off the wifi signal from my Verizon router but wifi calling still terrible.
01-02-2023 11:17 AM
Hey Sdperl,
To confirm, is your Wifi calling working with other networks like a mobile hotspot or other wifi networks apart from your Google Wifi? Are you using a modem/router combo provided by your Internet Service Provider? If so, what is your network structure (modem/router > Google Nest Wifi router > Google Nest Wifi points)?
Give this step a try:
Change the network name and password of your Google Nest Wifi network name and password, then have your iPhone 14 Pro connect to the new network and try Wifi calling.
01-05-2023 11:21 AM
Hi folks,
Chiming in to see if you still need assistance with this. Let us know if you have additional questions ― we'd love to help.
01-06-2023 02:13 PM
Hi everyone,
Just one quick final check in here since activity has slowed down. We haven't heard from you in a while so we'll be locking this thread if there is no update after 24 hours. If you have any new questions, updates or just a discussion topic, feel free to start a new thread in the Community.
01-07-2023 05:21 AM
I must say i am really impressed with all of the responses but have gotten a little lost in all of the steps I am supposed to take in order to make this work. It is a bit overwhelming. So, no luck, calls drop all of the time and I shut off my wifi on my cell since the mesh won’t work. Will most likely try another mesh system not from google. It should not be this hard. Thank you!
01-07-2023 02:52 PM
Hello Sdperl,
I’m sorry to hear you’re having issues with doing the troubleshooting step. We’re here to help out and get your issue resolved. Could you tell us which part you were overwhelmed with? We’ll wait for your update.
01-08-2023 06:57 PM
It sis white and I shut off the wifi signal by using Verizon’s app. Yes i have wifi through the mesh router.
01-08-2023 09:09 PM
Hi Sdperl,
Here are the steps to change your network credentials:
Change your Wi-Fi network name
Once done, forget the network on your iPhone and reconnect to the new one. Take note that you will need to reconnect your other devices to the new network as well. Let us know how it goes.
01-10-2023 02:50 PM
Thank you! Will do all and report back. May take until week’s end.
01-10-2023 04:05 PM
Hey Sdperl,
Thanks for letting us know. Take your time, I'll be waiting for your update.
01-14-2023 06:35 AM
Just to be clear, you are suggesting that changing the name of my wifi network might make wifi calling on my iphone through the google mesh, work better? I ask because all of the devices in my home are working, wifi calling is just terribly unreliable. Thank you.
01-07-2023 02:55 PM
I have Verizon fios with a white router. The mesh system is plugged in to that and I turned the signal off on the router so just the mesh is working. Where would you recommend starting?
01-08-2023 06:55 PM
Hey Sdperl,
Thanks for the update. To clarify, is that white router a modem router combo? How did you turn the signal off that white router? Also, do you still have Wi-Fi after doing that step?
01-08-2023 06:56 PM
It is white and I shut off the wifi signal by using Verizon’s app. Yes i have wifi through the mesh router.
01-14-2023 07:07 AM
Hey @Sdperl .
Please hold off on changing the SSID until you try the below first.
I discovered while helping with another post that Verizon Fios tries to "force" you to use their equipment. The issue is the Verizon router that is in the chain. Verizon Fios uses an ONT to the Verizon router to provide services you subscribe to. By leaving the Verizon router in place, you are creating a Double NAT situation since the Verizon router and Nest Wifi are BOTH trying to manage the traffic and IPs. When you turned off the Wifi on the Verizon router, your phone connects to the Nest Wifi; but this doesn't eliminate a Double NAT since the Verizon router is still trying to do the work also.
The below articles should help you eliminate the Verizon router completely so you can turn it back in and have that rental charge removed from your account. The first one is just if you have internet with Verizon Fios. Article two covers the same as article one but adds in how to restore the other services (requires purchase of a MoCA adapter - blame Verizon for making it so hard to use your own devices).
Use Own Router with FiOS ONT Ethernet
How to Use Your Own Router With Verizon FiOS
Please let us know how it goes.
01-14-2023 08:10 AM
So I do have FIOS with television and there is an ONT. The articles suggest buying a MoCA adapter (whatever that is). Those steps will somehow maybe let my iphone use my mesh router to make calls? This seems like it is getting complicated?
01-14-2023 08:24 AM
That is correct. The problem is since you cannot disable the routing function on the Verizon router (Verizon did this on purpose to force you to use their equipment) you are encountering a Double NAT situation. Essentially, they are fighting each other to route the traffic which is why the calls are so degraded. Unless you monitor traffic and/or have a complete disconnect most would not notice it was occurring.
The process is MUCH simpler than it seems. The MoCA adapter is needed for the TV service to convert the signal so the TV service can use it.
Amazon has plenty of MoCA adapters (was sorted by 4+ stars) ranging in pricing from $20 and up. Like I said before, Verizon tries to make you use their gear and will not tell you the steps to use your own so they can continue to charge you a "rental fee" every month. Yes...it is deceptive at the least and plan wrong in general. Regardless if you use a Nest Wifi device or another brand, you will run into the same issues unless you remove the Verizon router from the network.
01-17-2023 09:54 PM - edited 01-21-2023 09:06 PM
Hi everyone,
@PatrickP_Viking, appreciate your helpful response.
@Sdperl, chiming in to ensure everything is good here. Were you able to see PatrickP_Viking's response? We'll wait for your update.
01-21-2023 09:10 PM
Hello Sdperl,
It's me again. Just checking if you still need assistance. We're here to help out.
01-22-2023 05:44 AM
Sorry for the delay was traveling for work. I am eager to try Patrick’s suggestion but feel like I need a little more confidence to install a Moca. I love the idea of sending their router back as much as I am excited to have my phone work again but am unsure of the install of the Moca. Is it an unplug of the router, plug in the Moca in the same spot or do i plug the Moca in near the ONT…. Just a couple of questions where I need a bit of help. Not scared of it at all! Thank you.
01-22-2023 07:46 AM
Hey @Sdperl .
The second link does a good job of walking you through how to set up the network and where the MoCA connects:
ONT > Nest Wifi router > MoCA
The coaxial from the old Verizon router connects to the MoCA and an Ethernet cable from the Nest Wifi router to the MoCA. If you use a switch, the Ethernet connection would come from the switch in this configuration:
ONT > Nest Wifi router > switch > MoCA
Hope this helps to clarify it better.
01-22-2023 11:32 AM
MUCH better though what do you mean by a switch? What I am understanding is: Choose and buy a Moca, unplug the coax going into the verizon router into the Moca, connect the ethernet from the Moca tothe google mesh…. Is that correct? Seems TO easy!
01-22-2023 11:35 AM
The is correct!
I only noted about a switch in case you had any thoughts of adding one, though it isn't necessary.
01-22-2023 11:58 AM
Ok, well I can handle that! Thank you! Now, I just have to choose a Moca! Any suggestions or considerations?
01-22-2023 02:02 PM
Not a clue on the MoCA.
01-28-2023 08:45 PM
Hey folks,
Thanks again for the help, @PatrickP_Viking.
@Sdperl, let us know if you still need additional help. We're here to answer any other concerns or clarifications you may have.
01-29-2023 05:16 AM
Shall do and yes, thank you, Patrick. Just getting over covid and have to figure out which Moca to buy. Suggestions, welcome!
01-29-2023 06:43 PM
Hello again Sdperl,
No worries! Let us know when you feel better and once you’ve installed MoCA. We’ll keep this thread open for a few days to give you time to update us.
01-30-2023 04:04 AM
Will do. Moca arrives tomorrow. Thank you all!
02-05-2023 05:03 PM
Hey Sdperl,
How's it going? Were you able to set up your MoCA? We'll wait for your update.