Hi, Callum.
Sorry for the trouble you're having seeing your devices in the Home app. I'm sure that's frustrated to have happening. Let's see what we can do to fix this for you.
Usually when you aren't able to see the WiFi devices in your Home app, there's an issue with the cloud services. Before going deeper into this, I would recommend you pause and restart cloud services and then see if that clears it up for you. The steps for doing so are below.
Open the Google Home app.
- Tap the Wifi icon.
- Tap Settings.
- Select Privacy settings.
- Toggle Nest WiFi cloud services OFF and wait for 30 seconds, then back ON.
Once done, close the Home app and perform a full network restart to ensure that the new settings are in place. To do this, I would recommend doing a power cycle on your network.
- Disconnect the power adapter and the Ethernet cable from the Nest Wifi router.
- Disconnect the power adapter from the Nest Wifi points.
- Disconnect the power adapter from the modem. Allow all devices to stay disconnected from the power for 5 minutes.
- Connect the power back to the modem only and wait for it to fully back up. All lights should be lit up before moving to the next step.
- After the modem is back online, connect the Ethernet cable back to Nest Wifi router's WAN port (globe symbol port).
- Connect the power back to the Nest Wifi router and to the Nest Wifi points. Wait until they're all fully back on.
If that doesn't work for you, please let me know and we'll try other steps. Thanks.
-From Jeff Prime, Community Specialist.