03-25-2024 10:32 AM
Good morning, afternoon, or evening friends! I have two Nest wifi points, as well as a Comcast xFi router. Now, I live in an older townhouse where signal gets lost. I'm paying for 200gb/s, but over wifi I'm only getting 20 or so without of fluctuations. The router is downstairs unable to be moved, where I'm upstairs. Since I'm new to networking, I'm not sure where to start. I was wondering if it's possible to use one Nest, ethernet it into the router, and then use the second Nest as an access point upstairs that I can plug my PC into and use as an access point for my Mobile devices for better speeds. (Only 2 phones and an occasional Nintendo Switch for updates.) Any advice, suggestions, or guidance would be helpful!
03-25-2024 05:32 PM
Hello, Sorry for having to let you know this, but you can't receive internet connection signals from an ethernet router and send them to another location. you can get xFi points (I think) from their website (Depending on the model)