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Why Nest Wifi Pro Only Supports 3 VLAN IDs

Community Member

I'd like to find out:

1. Why does Google only support 3 specific VLAN IDs when there are a broader range of VLAN IDs used by fibre service providers (I'm in the UK where the supported values do not seem commonly used)?

2. Is there likely to be any future update or upgrade option which avoid a workaround involving an intermediate modem to handle the VLAN ID on behalf of the the Nest router?

Further background below...

Question is based one the  docs which state that:

- Google supports VLAN tag values of 2, 7, and 10 (from a possible range of 0 to 4095). If your ISP requires a different tag, your setup will require an additional device for it to work.


I have seen forum posts from various users running into VLAN issues because their providers use IDs such as 201, 911. Examples:











Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi stevieh, 

Thanks for reaching out to the Wifi Community forum. We'd love to help.

While Google only supports specific VLAN tag values used by specific ISPs at this time, there may be a future plan to address unsupported VLAN tags. Sharing feedback to enable user-selectable tags with our product team would be a great help for them to further evaluate improvements on VLAN tagging on Google Wifi and Nest Wifi devices.

If you have other questions or concerns in mind, let me know; otherwise, I'll be locking this thread in the next 24 hours.


Community Member

Hi, thanks for your reply and suggestion to submit product feedback. It feels bizarre to have my setup overcomplicated with an intermediate smart switch purely because my available ISPs don't happen to use one of those three magic numbers. I'll submit a feedback request and hopefully this point of friction can be addressed in the future to simplify my setup and that of other unlucky fibre broadband users.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello stevieh,

No biggie! I appreciate your insight about this and I'll also pass this along to our team. I'll close this thread shortly, so feel free to create a new post if you have questions or concerns in the future.
