10-11-2021 05:22 PM
I replaced the battery in nest detect sensor in one room after I received an alert that the battery was low. Three weeks later, on the same sensor, I received the same message.
10-11-2021 06:27 PM
What type of batteries did you use when you replaced them? It needs to be Energizer Ultimate Lithium AA (L91) batteries, otherwise a host of issues can crop up.
10-11-2021 06:34 PM
Maybe I am not describing this correctly because I already received a reply that the batteries you mention are for the Nest Protect, not Detect. I don't know what they are called but I am talking about the small device on the door that detects motion. I replaced them with the batteries recommended in the Nest manual.
10-11-2021 06:38 PM
Terribly sorry I misread your post! That is on me.
okay for those sensors it would be Panasonic CR123 or Energizer CR123A lithium batteries.
Is this what you are using?
10-11-2021 08:46 PM
used Energizer 123 Lithium. When I bought then, they told me they were the same thing as 123A. They don't say CR on the package
10-14-2021 02:24 PM
I'm seeing the same problem! 11 days after relaxing the batteries (with the recommended Energizer Lithium batteries), I'm seeing that the Nest Protect is showing a low battery again. The first set of batteries lasted almost a year. This second lot, 11 days. The original batteries are still going strong in the second Nest Protect I have at home. Also nearly a year old.
11-17-2021 03:19 PM
Hey there,
Just wanted to hop in here to see if we still needed help on this. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns as I will be locking this in 24 hours.
Have a great day.
11-18-2021 03:20 PM
Hey folks,
It looks like we haven't heard back from the OP so I'm going to go ahead and lock the thread. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to create a new thread.
Have a great day!