09-03-2021 06:32 AM
I know the product has been discontinued but I am curious that all the supported features of nest app (for example 3rd party integration) which are not there anymore with nest secure because of the account migration and discontinuation of the Works With Nest API, is google planning to bring over all those features back to google home/assistant?
Without all these, even you you keep Nest app alive, product is not fully supported. Google has said that they will keep providing software support which should 100% include adding all these to google home/assistance.
09-03-2021 09:12 AM
Nobody really knows the answer to this. I hope they do, but honestly, I'm not holding my breath.
To tell you the truth I don't remember ever seeing any really useful IFTTT integrations for Secure even before that got disabled.
09-03-2021 09:49 AM
Well what you said is true but it's still a feature missing. I like how nest integrated with philips hue. Also I don't like to keep 2 apps for these anymore. There is a support in custom routines to arm the nest secure guard, I don't understand why it's missing home/away routines. I hope they add it there.
And on the cameras end, they are supported in home/away but not in custom routines. I hope they fix these 2 issues and add notifications to home app for legacy nest products and I am ready to delete nest app.
Of course they have to add arming and disarming of secure to home app as well.
It's funny that when I started writing the response I had 1 thing in my mind and list just kept going up and up as I was typing and now I think I am convinced that I will never be able to delete the nest app or might have to throw some of these nest devices. 😞