02-20-2024 10:08 PM
I recently purchased the Nest x Yale lock and it had been constantly going offline. I've tried to reset it, replace the batteries, more the Nest Connect, etc and NOTHING works. Does anyone have a solution or anything?
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02-23-2024 05:36 AM
I have had 3 Nest locks for about 2 years and never had a problem. Just this week however, all 3 locks have been going on and off line a few times a day. Wondering if it may be a software update issue....
02-23-2024 05:36 AM
I have had 3 Nest locks for about 2 years and never had a problem. Just this week however, all 3 locks have been going on and off line a few times a day. Wondering if it may be a software update issue....
02-23-2024 07:06 AM
Some people have told me to try and actually move the Nest Connect further away from the lock. I ended up putting it upstairs around 15ft way and it has been better. I used to get notifications every hour or so saying my lock was offline but now it happens occasionally. Nonetheless Google needs a resolution for this!
02-27-2024 08:04 AM
I am having this problem as well. It also started recently. If I open and close the lock via the knob it immediately goes back online. Batteries are new.
02-27-2024 01:50 PM
If you notice the "Lock Offline", go into your Nest app and check status of Nest Connect device by clicking through to "Technical Info" from Main page settings. In every case for me, it is the Nest Connect device that has gone offline (the lock only communicates though this device - but it is not the Lock itself that is losing connection)
02-27-2024 02:36 PM
Thanks. As I wrote, turning the lock knob resolves the issue. Therecwas also a suggestion to move the Nest Connect further away. So I did. Quiet so far.
02-23-2024 09:11 PM
I am on my third nest connect device. The latest one I purchased with my own money and it works about 20% of the time. Previous to that, the other ones were less successful at staying online. The Nest Connect product is a total failure. And tech support... Don't get me started. I've spent tens of hours. I know the decision treatment by heart now. I managed to get one US-based tech who gave me some ideas but it didn't help that much. Bottom line, Nest Connect is a failed product. Sorry for everybody who bought one. And that includes all the people who bought the Yale x Lock.
03-28-2024 08:18 AM
I will chime in with my "Me Too." I've had these locks and Nest Connects for several years. It is only in the last few months that the disconnect issue has appeared. I've had all three go "off line" at the same time on several of the occasions when it is reported. This almost certainly must be a server side issue. The Connects go back in line in a few minutes at the most and immediately if the lock is turned which causes an event to be generated..
04-15-2024 03:46 AM
Okay I am soooo glad that other people are having the same issue as me and that I am not alone. Had to climb in through my front window last week because both of my locks were offline and would not respond to any of the codes. It has gotten to the point where I just leave a window unlocked because I can't trust the locks. No problems for 3 years and now all of a sudden they are constantly offline. No wifi changes, no position changes, and the connect itself is online no problem, just not connecting to the locks. I've always had the connect and never used the Secure system but it seems that Google canceling that service has screwed all of us regardless. 😕
04-15-2024 08:44 AM
Same issue on my end. 2 Years working fine, then suddenly for the past several months the lock started to randomly go offline about 3-5 times a week. The "Nest Connect" device is plugged in to the wall outlet literally about 6 feet a way from the lock. The WiFi is a mesh-type with 4 access points with no dead spots (Also by Google). I've removed the lock from my account using the "Nest" app and re-added it back two times already and replaced the batteries on the lock. Going to give it a few days or a week to see if it stays connected and report back.
04-19-2024 06:18 AM
5 days later - that's how long the lock lasted until it went offline again. What a freaking joke product!
04-19-2024 06:41 AM
Yeah I told tech support that resetting the whole system daily is not a fix. Had to argue that this is an update issue caused on their end, not a hardware issue. It is such a pain.
04-19-2024 08:07 AM
I have had the exact same issue - my locks worked perfectly fine for years until the past 1-2 months. They are now disconnecting multiple times per day. Has anyone heard that Google is going to put out a software update or some other fix soon?
04-19-2024 08:49 AM
I have not heard that, no. The problem seems to have started when a start was made to have Google Home be the controlling program instead of Nest.
04-19-2024 08:12 AM
First they have to admit it is their problem, not the user's. That is probably tougher than the actual fix.
04-19-2024 08:15 AM
It seems that dozens of people here and on Reddit have been discussing this same problem over the same timeline. Most of us have clearly already tried everything we can do with our modem/router and doing factory reset of locks/Nest connects. Hopefully Google listens and does something soon.
05-04-2024 03:36 PM
Oddly, I solved the problem. I assume most of you are also using Google wifi pucks of some type (I am using Nest WifiPro with wired ethernet backhaul to all pucks). Simply restart your network using the app. Even though my speed and puck connections were great, I restarted the network about two weeks ago and have not had the issue happen once. Good luck.
05-04-2024 03:59 PM - edited 05-04-2024 04:00 PM
I do not use Google WiFi routers etc.
In EVERY case for me, it is the Nest Connect device that goes offline (and thereby the Yale lock goes offline at the same time).
You can go to technical info for nest connect and see when it was last online (it should always be online). You can then compare when the Yale lock went offline and it's at exactly the same time.
All other devices in my home INCLUDING OTHER NEST DEVICES THAT COMMUNICATE DIRECTLY WITH WIFI ROUTER do not lose connection. This is my third nest connect and they all eventually fail the same way. Google are you LISTENING?
05-04-2024 03:49 PM
Sorry, Bill but that might be a bad assumption. I do not use Google WIFI pucks. My network infrastructure is mostly NetGear with some TP-Link thrown in. It is stable with a fiber WAN connection. This configuration has been in place for several years with the Nest Lock issue being present for a few recent months. This is either a problem brought on by an upgrade to Nest Connect or a server side issue (my guess). Over the course of last week, there was no issue for a five day period then it restarted.
05-29-2024 05:57 PM
You are all correct about this problem. I install fiber internet all day. I know my wife access points are working fine. It’s definitely a Google issue. When I first purchased my lock several years ago it worked perfectly. But then it keep going offline after Christmas Day, the same month I installed it. It was recently new product. I spent 3 months dealing with their tech support. Finally find out that a software update caused the issue. It was later resolved but it took awhile. I’m sure it’s that same problem. I may change to MyQ door lock. They use Yale as well. It looks the same. If have there garage door wifi controller and it work great.
05-29-2024 06:01 PM
I meant wifi! Darn auto correct.
05-30-2024 03:24 AM
Thanks for the correction. This certainly isn't the forum to discuss your wife's access points 😀
That said, I have not had a disconnect in several weeks now. This is one of those pesky issues that when it stops happening, one doesn't immediately realize it.
05-30-2024 04:46 AM
The disconnects stopped here too.
05-29-2024 06:05 PM
Ever since Google bought Nest, there has been a lot of issues. I really hope they can fix the problem or they are going to loose a lot more customers!