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Nest x Yale Lock - Guest codes not working

Community Member

We have been using the Nest x Lock for about a year. Over the past 8 weeks, the lock has refused to unlock for guests when using the code we assign to them. We have guests in and out of our rental. On 3 occasions now, the codes assigned to the guests have failed to work. I am not sure what is going on here. We set the code using the IOS app as we have done since the beginning.


Why is this happening? The only solution so far that I can find it to power cycle the lock by removing two batteries. This is not an acceptable solution.  I see that others are having the same issues. Please advise.



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi jnitterauer, 


Thanks for reaching out to us, and I'm sorry for the late response. Let's sort this out. 


Was your lock’s privacy mode on during those times? When privacy mode is on, it completely disables the keypad, so it can’t be unlocked by entering a passcode. You can follow the steps in this article to turn off the privacy mode using your app or on the Nest Yale Lock itself.


After following the steps, restart your lock buy putting the batteries back in after 60 seconds. Wait a few minutes to check if your lock comes back online.


Let me know how it goes.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there, 


I wanted to check and see if you managed to see the information I shared. Please let me know if you have any questions from here. I would be happy to assist and make sure you are good to go.



The lock has never been in privacy mode. Only on occasion does the lock not recognize codes that we apply. Has nothing to do with privacy mode. Thanks.