01-11-2022 01:29 PM
I installed Two Yale Locks and am trying to have my family passcodes all work the same. After getting all installed and setup I can only unlock/lock with my passcode. My wife and son passcodes do not work on the locks.
I went into their mobile apps (them loggin in with there gmail to nest app and had them create their passcode. )
and they are connected to the Lock Family guest.
But when I try their codes the lock balwks. (do dee do)
PLEASE HELP! This is insane how hard this is. It should allow a place for you to upload all user codes to the lock.
and Manage all the codes on each lock.
01-12-2022 12:15 PM
Does anyone read these?
04-26-2022 11:22 AM
Hey folks,
Thanks for visiting the Community. Since this thread hasn't had activity in a while, we're going to close it to keep content fresh.
We hope you were able to get the help you need, but if you're still having trouble, please feel free to submit another post, and provide as many details as possible so that others can lend a hand. Hope this helps!
Best regards,