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Night mode/do not disturb not working

Community Member


I set both do not disturb and night mode on my nest system but it quite often replies to my commands. Other times I hear only a beep. It drives me nuts. Also, when I ask the assistant to lower tv volume, it lowers itself. It happens only with the volume.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Nickthenightfly,


This is not the experience we want you to have. Let me help you. A few questions: which Nest speakers are we working with? When did your issue begin? Were there any recent changes made? Are all devices on the same Wi-Fi connection? Does your TV have a Chromecast dongle, or is it built-in? How about a Google Assistant?


It would help a lot if you could do a sequential reboot first: 


  1. Unplug the power cord of your router, followed by your Nest speakers, then your TV.
  2. Plug them back in after 3 minutes.
  3. Restarting your phone might also help.


Test it out and tell us how it goes.


Regarding your other concern, you can mute reminders, broadcasts, Nest doorbell visitor announcements, and other spoken notifications on Google speakers and displays with Do Not Disturb; however, your devices will still comply with any commands.


Hope this helps.




To be honest it never was so smooth but I started to have real issues since two week ago top (thought the issue could be a new update).
My system is composed by:
1 nest hub (2nd gen)
3 nest mini (2nd gen)
1 xiaomi speaker ir control
1 Android tv box telesystem
1 broadlink mini 3 for my tv
All on the same network, same WiFi, no recent changes.
Running two different languages on Google assistant (thought this could have been the issue as well, so I've deleted one).
I have different rooms set.
Since a couple of weeks ago the assistant fails to recognise my commands. In particular, it won't decrease or increase my tv volume (via broadlink), instead, he would lower or increase the speaker volume instead.
Needless to say Alexa via my phone app works smoothly and recognise all the devices and the commands work.
Still need to reboot.
Any clue?

Hi Nickthenightfly,


Apologies for the late response. I just want to follow up and see if you're still experiencing the same thing. If yes, we can proceed performing a complete reset to your Google Nest speaker and let's see if there would be any changes after that. Here's how:


Keep me posted.




Hello there,


We just want to check if you have seen our response posted above. Let us know if you have additional questions and I'd be glad to assist you further.

