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Community Member
since ‎09-14-2021

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  • 9 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 1 Kudos given
  • 57 Kudos received

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I’ve had a Google nest wifi for some time and have had it consistently slow my Internet speeds. I’ve had the ISP come over and perform diagnostics and Internet is coming in at 500mbps, but nest slowing the speed to the point where TVs get blurry and ...
I have two nest thermostats. I’ve easily added the first to the app, but cannot get my phone to connect the 2nd thermostat. I’ve connected it to the internet and followed the same exact instructions but keep getting connection error TF030
Hello. I have recently changed my wifi network name and password and reconnected both of my Nest thermostats to the new network. One of the thermostats keeps disconnecting from the internet and going dark. When it turns back on, it won’t connect back...
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