01-11-2022 07:54 AM
When I open the Nest app for our wired Nest Hello Doorbell/Camera the title above the live picture says UNASSIGNED.
I don't know what this is or why it says it? I followed the instructions and I believe it is included in our Google Home and has a named location of "Front Door".
Can anyone tell me what this means and what if anything I should do about it. If nothing else it just looks wrong.
01-26-2022 12:42 AM
Am I the only person who has this Unassigned? Are there any Google support folk on here or is it just people like me trying to guess the answer. Bump.
01-26-2022 08:53 AM
Hi there,
I apologize for my late response and thank you for all of your patience while waiting for a reply. I can definitely understand how frustrating your situation must be, but I wanted to make sure that your issue was addressed. It sounds like you haven't assigned the device to a specific room, or area of your Home/structure. Just assign it to whichever room it may be in, or wherever it is located. Naming and assigning the device is your doing. i.e 'Living Room Cam' or 'Front Doorbell' etc.
Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Best Regards,
01-26-2022 01:14 PM
Thanks for the reply, I thought that and as far as I am aware I selected "Front Door" and that what it is called. I can't find anything that lets me assign it to a room as I would an assistant or light as we have many of them. If you could give me a steer on where I can do that please? Thanks.
01-27-2022 01:54 PM
I checked and in my home app it is assigned to the room "front door". Still confused about this sorry.
02-02-2022 01:07 PM
With respect to saying I shouldn't start a new thread that's what the forum told me I had to do as this was locked, what else could I do?? You locked it when it wasn't answered and allowed me zero time to explain or any way of reopening the thread. Regardless, I still have a doorbell that says unassigned in the nest app which according to the home app is assigned to the front door so I still don't know what to do to correct this.
02-05-2022 06:14 AM
I'm sorry but you closed this thread mistakenly suggesting it was answered, I had no option but to start a new thread, you complained about that; I have just been emailed to ask if my question has been answered leading me to the other thread that you also locked? I am not getting any answers and instead am receiving criticism for a situation entirely caused by you? How am I supposed to answer the email from Google saying "Did you get the answer you need?". The obvious answer is No, but there's no way I can post that as there's nowhere to reply. Seriously? Can I please have an answer and a little less grief for things that are entirely beyond my control?
02-12-2022 05:42 AM
You have to use Nest's own label
Under "Where" tap on "Where" and select a label from there
02-12-2022 02:57 PM
Thanks for the answer. In that menu it's listed as front door.
02-12-2022 02:58 PM
If I wasn't clear I mean it's already listed as Front Door and still says unassigned. Sorry.
02-12-2022 09:31 PM
That's v odd.
Have you tried changing the "where" label to something else to see the effect?
02-14-2022 10:17 AM
Hi there,
Just checking in to see if you still need assistance with this issue. Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Best Regards,
02-14-2022 11:38 AM
It's still exactly the same, please check the link I posted showing the screen shots. I have tried every piece of advice on here and it still says Unassigned.
02-15-2022 08:57 AM
Hey there.
I am afraid I do not have a reason why your device is not working as intended. Please contact support as it sounds like you have a faulty device. Get it replaced if you are still within your warranty. I do not know what troubleshooting steps I can provide that you haven't tried. Fill out this form, and support will reach out to you.
Best regards,
02-16-2022 09:10 AM
Hey Folks.
At this time, I'll go ahead and lock this thread. If you're still experiencing problems, feel free to start a new thread and we'll be happy to help.
Best Regards,
02-13-2022 02:13 AM
Just tried that now thanks. It changed the where, still says unassigned. Feeling like it's a factory reset and reinstall from scratch thing?