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Nest Aware Price doubles from $5 to $10 - 100% increase

Community Member

So Google decides to remove the 5 days of continuous 24/7 video for $5 and now will charge $10 for ZERO 24/7 video. How does a downgrade in service justifies an increase of 100% in it's subscription cost.

*Current features will remain the same - That's just nonsense.

"Thank you for being a first-gen Nest Aware customer. We wanted to let you know that the price of your Nest Aware subscription for Home will soon increase from CA$5 a month to CA$10 a month (plus applicable taxes).1 This new price will come into effect with your next bill that occurs on or after March 25, 2024.
Your Nest Aware subscription will continue at the new price and your current features will remain the same, with video history, advanced motion sensing, the ability to save clips and more."


Community Member

YES, I just came here after receiving the same email.  

Charge me DOUBLE and give me less.  

That's....rude!  The only value to my subscription was the ability to look back 5 days.

Community Member

I just received the email as well. Annual rate change as a first-gen nest aware subscriber is changing from $50/y to $100. I don’t see where it says I will loose the 24/7 recording though? Still…double is tough to swallow for a doorbell camera…its the only camera I have + 2 smoke alarms…not feeling worth it.

Community Member

Same. WTF?


Same. Annual cost moving from $140 to $280 for  3 IQ cams and 1 Nest Hello.

Does anyone know where the second gen Nest Aware Plus stands now with regards to the Nest app? Up to this point it’s been my understanding to avoid the second gen Nest Aware, avoid the Google Home App, and avoid migrating in order to retain the (far better) Nest app experience.

Have things changed? Can you move to the second gen Nest Aware and still use the Nest app with pre-2021 camera hardware such as the IQ cams with no problems or changes whatsoever?

It seems 1st gen subscriptions have the largest price increases. Google Nest has been trying to get us customers to move to the 2nd gen subscriptions for 5 years now.

We switched to the (2nd gen) "Nest Aware Plus" subscription in 2020, once we had 5 cameras and doorbells, because it was cheaper.  It works fine with our older 1st gen cameras and doorbells in the Google Nest app, which we've kept using.  (We didn't start using the Google Home app very much until we got a 2nd gen battery camera in Sept. 2021.)

Our Nest Aware Plus subscription is increasing from $120/year to $150/year when it renews in June, the first increase since we got it in 2020.

This is the Google Store's price list:

Community Member

I think the app still has a ways to go to catch up to the Nest app.  I'm not switching my Nest cameras over to Google Home until I can rewind and advance by 15 second increments.  That was the entire point of paying for a 24/7 service.  I don't want to hop from event to event.  I really need to be able to control the stream in 15 second increments to catch EVERYTHING.  Still waiting....


We migrated our Nest Account to a Google Account in 2020, but we continue to use the Google Nest app because it's still better than the Google Home app.

Stay away from second generation! They do not offer refunds. I went from paying 60$ a year to 150$ a year for ONE doorbell. Not to mention my camera is no longer recording events. I’m so frustrated right now.


Yeah, unfortunately Google Nest only offers one price for its 2nd gen Nest Aware and Nest Aware Plus subscriptions, so it's only cost-effective if you have several cameras and doorbells. But the subscription should NOT affect whether your camera records events or not.



We had no issues at all when we migrated in 2020. The biggest concern is that you CANNOT migrate to a Google Account that is already being used for Google Nest devices; if that's your situation, you'll need to check the "Error message: Google Account is already linked with another Nest account" topic under "Troubleshoot account migration issues" in this Help topic:

The Help topic has other information about how customers might be affected, depending on what equipment they have. For example, "You'll no longer be able to use the Nest app on Apple TV or Android TV." And: "Home members might lose access and need to be reinvited."


I have a Google account but strictly used for non-Nest items. Just email basically.

I'm curious if you can share a bit about your experience after your migration to a Google account (from presumably a Nest account)? Did all of your pre-2021 cameras work exactly as expected in the Nest app, just as they worked prior to the migration? Did you see any degradation in service or any quirks? I understand you have some newer cameas which would then force you into the Google Home app but for the purposes of this question (and for my situation), I only have cameras that are pre-2021. So I'm curious how your experience was post-migration with the older cameras.

Ideally, and if this is the case today please correct me, I can migrate my Nest account to a Google account but I want to continue using the Nest app in all the same ways that I have been using it for the past six years. Especially the silky-smooth video history scrubbing.


All of our 1st gen pre-2021 Google Nest cameras and doorbells continued to work exactly as expected in the Google Nest app, just as they did prior to the migration. There are no quirks or degradation of service due to the migration. We continued to use the Google Nest app as we did before the migration. We have NOT transferred any of our 1st gen cameras and doorbells to the Google Home app because it still lacks so many Nest app features.

I migrated to a Google Account that I already had, one that was NOT used for any Nest items.

Only two things changed: 1) We signed onto the Google Nest app with our Google Account. 2) We had a less-expensive Nest Aware Plus subscription.

@MplsCustomer Thanks for this context! It is so very helpful and reassuring! One other question, after you migrated to a Google account from the Nest account, was it at that time that you moved from the first-gen Nest Aware to the second-gen Nest Aware? If so, were there any issues with that or was it a smooth transition between services and just a lower cost in your case?

Community Member

This price increase is horrible, especially as it's doubled and the basic plan does not offer any 24/7 service. Going to cancel this altogether. They've become too greedy.

Community Member

I’m cancelling.  This is just pure greed.  Who ever heard of a100% increase!