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Community Member

After my free trial ended my subscription was supposed to start and it hasn’t.  It has been four days now and I still have no recordings longer than the minimum three hours.




Does your subscription show here? Is it for the same Google Nest "home/structure" where your camera(s) are located?

Community Member

Yes.  I assumed it would just keep going but nothing for four days.


Under Settings | Video | Video history for your camera in the Google Home app is "60-day event and 10-day 24/7 video history" selected?

Just says three hour video history.   Doesn’t give any other options.


If you have no other options, but the Subscription Management page ( shows you have an active "Nest Aware" or "Nest Aware Plus "subscription for the same Google Nest "home/structure" where your camera is installed, then I think you should contact "Nest Aware Premier Care" using the link in my post below to have them resolve it.

Community Member

Same here. All of my recordings are 30 sec or less triggered events. There is no option for me to record 24/7 as the product and nest aware advertises. I had someone rummaging through my recycling and the video only shows 30 seconds!  It stopped recording while they were still moving and I never got to see if they removed anything or not. Nest aware is a scam. I wish I never would have had this camera installed on my home.


What camera or doorbell do you have? (The battery doorbell cannot record 24/7 because it always runs on battery power, and the battery camera can only record 24/7 if it is plugged in.)  Under Settings | Video for your camera or doorbell in the Google Home app, what is "Maximum event length" set to? Under Settings | Video | Video history for your camera or doorbell in the Google Home app is "60-day event and 10-day 24/7 video history" selected?

It was running just fine during the thirty day free trial.  Once the trial ended and the subscription started it stopped saving videos for more than three hours.    It is plugged in and now it says maximum length is three hours where during the trial it was thirty days.  My subscription is valid and was supposed to start on 18 July but it hasn’t.  Why?


I can't tell from your responses what's really going on. If the Subscription Management page ( shows you have an active "Nest Aware" or "Nest Aware Plus "subscription for the same Google Nest "home/structure" where your camera is installed, and if you've selected the appropriate option for your camera under Settings | Video | Video history for your camera in the Google Home app, then it should work.

You could try the "Contact us" option under "Nest Aware Premier Care" on the page below to "Get 24/7 access to Nest Aware Experts on the Nest Customer Care team. They’re available to answer questions, help you access features, and manage your subscription."

This is why customer support needs a phone number.  Doing it over messaging doesn’t work.  I don’t understand how you cannot understand what is going on.  My subscription didn’t start after my thirty day trial ended.  I cannot be much plainer than that.  The only other option other than three hours under the video is for never record and the three hour option is checked.  The camera was working and recording great during the trial.  Whatever was suppose to happen after my trial ended to start my subscription didn’t happen.  That is on your end.  I will play with the link to your nest experts tomorrow.  Thanks for your time.


I agree completely about the lack of a support number. Resolving a problem by texting back and forth is cumbersome.

I'm just another Google Nest customer, and I hope the Nest Aware support team helps you. I just couldn't tell whether the system shows you with an active subscription, or whether your subscription just wasn't there at all.

Good luck tomorrow. When you follow the link, if it gives you a "Resources" page, just click on the "Next step" button without clicking any of the Help topics, or you won't get to the contacts page, where you can choose between chat and phone (they call you).

I just wanted to say thanks for your time yesterday along with the link and tip about the phone.  They called me less than a minute after I requested call.  Turns out the subscription and doorbell set up was on different emails.  Had it all fixed on 10 minutes and it’s working great.  Thanks again.


You are most welcome.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello everyone,

@Jimmy_J, checking in — did you get a chance to follow the steps shared by MplsCustomer?

@Marto123, glad to hear you were able to sort it out. Let me know if you have additional questions here.

Thanks for the help, @MplsCustomer.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to follow up and see if you still need any help. Let me know if you have any additional questions from here.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey everyone,

Just one quick final check in here since activity has slowed down. We'll be locking the thread in the next 24 hours, but if you still need help, I would be happy to keep it open. If there's more we can do, just let me know.
