10-03-2021 11:58 AM
I decided to replace all my big standard linked smoke alarms in my house with Protects. I have 21 smoke alarms so I ordered 21 Protects.
After the 18th protect i am told I can’t add any more! 😞
A bit of Googling revealed that there is an 18 protect limit, any idea why? 18 seems a fairly arbitrary number and you don’t have to have that big a house to hit the limit.
Protect is a premium product so I would have thought the 18 limit is a problem for lots of people.
Interestingly the same page claims there is a limit of 10 Nestcams. clearly this isn’t enforced I already have 13 Nestcams at one of my houses.
Is there any way of getting the 18 limit lifted?
Thanks… Ben
10-03-2021 01:43 PM
Create a second "home" in your app, and add the balance of the nest protects there, this SHOULD fix the issue (I only have 4 nest protects in my home so I cannot speak from experience, but have seen this in other forums)
10-04-2021 02:05 AM
The problem with this approach is that in order for the Protects to alert each other of a problem they need to be in the same home. Ie you don’t want a fire starting in an area covered by one of the protects on the second home not then alerting and triggering the protect installed in the bedroom you are asleep in.
What I can’t fathom is why 18? They allow upto 20 thermostats, I strongly suspect that if a room needs a thermostat it needs a protect as well.
10-07-2021 01:13 PM
Hey there,
Just wanted to hop in here to say thank you to Ashepherdson for the help here. Benjycov, I understand where you're coming from and I appreciate you providing the feedback to us. While we don't have the ability to change the number of Protects within the app right now, I'm happy to pass this feedback forward as we are always looking to improve our products and services.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.
Best regards,
Garrett DS
10-07-2021 02:09 PM
Great thank you, just to add to the feedback I understand the need for a limit - you wouldn’t want someone deploying protects in a inappropriate situation (for example a hotel).
However in my case it’s a 7 bedroom home that due to local regulations has 21 wired smoke alarms that I am replacing with Protects.
It’s completely feasible that a home requirement could be 25-30 units.
10-08-2021 10:41 AM
Hey there,
I totally understand the need for this and would be happy to pass the feedback forward as I believe that it something that a lot of other customers would benefit from.
I appreciate the feedback and will be closing this thread within 24 hours if there are no other questions.
Best regards,
Garrett DS
10-11-2021 03:12 PM
Hey folks,
It looks like we haven't heard back from the OP so I'm going to go ahead and lock the thread. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to create a new thread.
Have a great day,
Garrett DS