01-07-2023 07:31 AM
Salutations. I & intalled the Nest (2G) smoke/CO alarm. I've got it working on my iPhone 12 but how to I get the Nest app to appear on my childrens iPhones? I'm new to Google Home/Nest & I find it quite confusing. In case of emergency I want to obviously have my kids iPhone's alert as well as mine. A step by step procedure would be highly appreciated from the experts here. I thought I could just share the Nest app with whomever I wanted and it would be easy peasey.
Also, a secondary issue is; the feature in the Nest app where it asks if you want the alarm to do a daily test where the alarm goes off (when I specify what hours of the day to do the check) has never worked. I set it to the late morning one and I hasn't ever gone off. Any help is appreciated.
01-20-2023 11:35 PM
I agree, it is more confusing than it should be. On the nest app if you click on settings in the top right then click on family, you should see a button that says add a family member. Click on that and it will direct you to the Google home app. From there you will need to log in to your Google account then click on the settings gear that’s located in the middle of the Home Screen on the home app.Then click on household and click on invite person. From there you can type in any email and invite them to your home. As of right now, nest protect isn’t available on the Google home app but if your family members click on their invite in their email and accept it, they should be able to log into the nest app and have the home with the nest protects there. Hope that helps
01-27-2023 05:40 PM
Hey ModulusVJ4,
I'd like to jump in here and check if you've seen Natewagner's response. About your schedule sound check, could you try removing your schedule, then reinstall your Nest app to make sure it's up-to-date? Once done, add a new schedule to see if that helps.
02-01-2023 11:17 AM
Hello everyone,
@ModulusVJ4 I'm dropping by to ensure that everything is covered here. How's it going with your Nest Protect? Were you able to read the information and steps suggested above? In case you have an update, you know where to find us.
I appreciate the help, Natewagner and Archie.
02-02-2023 02:07 PM
Hey ModulusVJ4,
Just one quick final check in here since activity has slowed down. We'll be locking the thread in the next 24 hours, but if you still need help, I would be happy to keep it open. If there's more we can do, just let us know.