08-24-2023 04:50 PM
My thermostat is under someone else's control. I turned off the Eco settings (that I never turned on), programmed the thermostat for every hour of the day and it still turns off at the hottest portion of the day. And right now that's any time my of the day. Right now it's showing a setpoint of 69 degrees but it's 82 in the house because it turned itself off for some reason I still don't understand. If this is the norm, I'll be going back to the regular thermostat (my light bill doesn't show where this experience has been beneficial to me, only Ameren is reaping the benefits of this change).
08-24-2023 04:56 PM
Let’s make sure you are clearly stating your problem. When you say the “system” turns off, is the Nest Display showing the system as “OFF” and not in COOL or HEAT mode?
Is your thermostat on COOL, and the temperature set-point is 70°F, and the HVAC system turns off, ie, blower shuts off, outdoor unit shuts off before reaching 70°F ?
AC Cooling Wizard
08-24-2023 05:27 PM
What I'm saying is the thermostat goes into whatever mode the server requests it to regardless to the settings I programmed. Today, for instance, there was an 'energy rush hour' at the hottest portion of a 110 degree day causing my home to go from 70 degrees to 82 and now I'm here with fans blowing trying to get the house cool again.
08-24-2023 06:08 PM
If you have a Nest Thermostat with an “energy rush hour” feature, you have a thermostat supplied to you by your local power company. These thermostats have special power company control software that allows them to remotely deactivate your HVAC system during periods of peak power demand. You will need to contact your power company to get the understanding and knowledge of how and when the power company activates the rush hour feature. Understand this, the Rush Hour software feature overrides everything.
This is not a standard feature on Nest Thermostats purchased direct from Google or an authorized retailer.
AC Cooling Wizard