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Nest × Yale Lock locking when it should be unlocking

Community Member

Nest × Yale Lock locking when it should be unlocking, and unlocking when it should be locking. It acts like it is setup on the wrong swing of the door.


Community Member

Mine is also doing this. I’ve factory reset my lock about 5 times and it’s still going the wrong way. I always make sure it’s unlocked when resetting and starting back up. I’ve tried 2 times while the door is closed and 3 times with the door open to make sure it’s not a door jam problem. It’s still going the wrong way and will lock when I put the code in. And unlock just by pressing the Yale logo.

Community Member

I finally figured it out. Place your lock back on the door right after resetting it. Then follow the steps to enter your master password. It will then test its latch movement by gently trying to move the latch to decide if it is a right or left hung door.