08-06-2022 01:15 PM
I have a hello, two gen 3 thermostats, three old indoor cameras and now trying to install the connect and subsequently the lock.
installing connect makes me stand between a thermostat and the hello to make the assisting device search work. All good, but I’m not sure which assists. I did get one message to “move closer to the camera”, so maybe that’s a clue, if it means the hello.
trying to add the lock never finds the assisting device. I have removed all 3 cameras from the account and powered them off. I have tried the assisting device search standing by the hello and by each thermostat. Fails every time. The hello is now the oldest device installed.
I refuse to remove the hello nor the thermostats to see if that helps. I’d prefer to return the Yale and get my $$ back.
08-07-2022 12:04 PM
Same issue
08-10-2022 01:28 PM
Hi there,
I apologize for my late response and thank you for all of your patience while waiting for a reply. I'm terribly sorry to hear that you're having these troubles. I understand how upsetting this could be, but I'm happy to assist you with this obstacle. This issue was to be corrected with a recent update, but it seems we are still seeing this inconvenience happen to our users. I would like to ask you to provide feedback on the issue in the app, and as annoying as it can be, at least try to turn off your other Nest/Google products after a Factory reset on this lock and try again. That works for most users until we have a solution.
Best Regards,
08-13-2022 04:09 PM
Hey folks,
Thanks for your help, Brad.
Checking in to see if the troubleshooting steps shared helped. If you have other questions and concerns, feel free to let me know.
08-16-2022 04:12 PM
Hi folks,
We haven't heard any updates from you. I'll go ahead and lock this thread in 24 hours. If you happen to have the same concern feel free to reach us out here or start a new thread.