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Batteries Draining Rapidly in Nest Protect

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Disclaimer: This thread was migrated from our previous version of the Google Nest Community. You can continue to receive updates on your thread issue here or simply ask, browse or more in the new Google Nest Community.

Original Poster: JBryan 


Somehow your the response to my initial post went to my junk mail back in March! That post has been locked, so starting a new one here. Bummer.
Bought 4 new Nest Protects in Jan/Feb from Costco. No problem with 3 but after only a month installed, 1 complained of low battery. After I did not receive a response to my initial post here (so I thought), I ordered a new set of Lithium batteries in late March 2021, assuming it was just a bad set of batteries that came with my unit and that maybe you did not want to replace the batteries for me.
With the new batteries, everything went well until early AM on August 18. This Nest Protect began chirping, telling it had low batteries. In the middle of the night, I could barely think straight so I just removed the batteries so we could sleep.
After looking at the app just now, I reinserted the batteries and it checks out OK. Based on previous experience in Feb/March, I assume it will determine these batteries are low again in the next couple days.  At this point, I do NOT think the batteries were the problem but instead there is either a bad sensor on this Nest Protect OR this Nest Protect has some other problem causing it to drain lithium batteries VERY quickly. Maybe this unit is bad? I have owned another Nest Protect since 2016 without a single battery problem and it's still going strong. So what's the deal with this one?
I will also answer your questions here (from your previous response) and include pics.
Is your Nest Protect wired or battery-powered? Battery ONLY, NOT wired.
What happens when a Safety Check is run? (a screenshot is needed) Once I reinserted the batteries, the Safety Check went fine. Again, I do not expect this to last long. (See attached screenshot of Safety Check before batteries reinserted.)
What error messages (if any) does the Nest app show? History of Error Messages shows the battery flagged low starting at 12:17AM, again at 2:51AM and twice more at 4:39AM & 4:59AM, all on August 18. I removed the batteries at 4:59AM. (See attached.)
Has the Protect chirped? Yes, as described above telling us the batteries are low.
Please send us a photo of the batteries you’re currently using so we could take a closer look. Included a photo of the original set of batteries that came with the Nest Protect (at left) and the replacement set we purchased in late March (at right).
Please advise. The biggest reason I moved to Nest was because of the low maintenance, hassle free promise. The first Nest Protect I purchased in 2016 delivered on that promise but this one has not.



1 Recommended Answer

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi everyone,


We apologize for the trouble this has caused you. The recommended battery for the Nest Protect is Energizer Ultimate Lithium AA (L91), which is included in the box. Don’t use rechargeable or alkaline batteries. If you do, they will quickly drain and will need to be replaced soon after installing them.


  • Using other types of batteries than the ones recommended by Nest will be detrimental to the smoke and CO alarm operation.
  • Don’t mix and match batteries.
  • Don’t place new batteries in with old batteries.

Visit this Help Center page to find more Nest Protect battery troubleshooting steps, and information for replacing the batteries in your specific device:



View Recommended Answer in original post

155 REPLIES 155

Community Member

same problem here. Bought 4 three years ago, three of them now drain batteries every 4 weeks. The fourth one is fine

Community Member

I am having the same issue with all of my 2019 units (5 of them total). They all started failing around the same few months, draining all batteries I could put in them within weeks. It’s ridiculous. 

Community Member

Mine too. And ALWAYS manages to beep in the middle of the night!😡

Community Member

Just paid $27.00 (that is another price for Smoke Alarm Detector made in Mexico) for FUJITSU Batteries on Amazon 2 pac of 4 or 8 pieces = $3.375 each piece! Made in Japan. Will update in 45 days.

Community Member

I bet it is the "shrink-flation" of the batteries. Company put less power i.e. 60% less energy of batteries power into the "same unit/product" compared to 7 yrs ago. Just like Mars bar the other day I saw on youtube, same price for now it shrink so much it's like just a Mars Bar is made like just a piece of volumn of "gum"?

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi everyone,


We apologize for the trouble this has caused you. The recommended battery for the Nest Protect is Energizer Ultimate Lithium AA (L91), which is included in the box. Don’t use rechargeable or alkaline batteries. If you do, they will quickly drain and will need to be replaced soon after installing them.


  • Using other types of batteries than the ones recommended by Nest will be detrimental to the smoke and CO alarm operation.
  • Don’t mix and match batteries.
  • Don’t place new batteries in with old batteries.

Visit this Help Center page to find more Nest Protect battery troubleshooting steps, and information for replacing the batteries in your specific device:



See my 10/10/2021 comment above in this thread anticipating this comment, which is not responsive to the problem for the reasons noted. 

We have done all you have suggested and still having this problem. Please accept that the device has a serious problem and needs to be rectified


Community Member


this response is not helpful. I have only been using the lithium batteries that have been recommended for the past two years and the result is the same. Drained batteries. I’ve turned off the night light and it doesn’t help anything. It’s not all of our units only 2 out of 5, but it’s ridiculous that everyone from Google keeps giving us the same stock bs response. The right thing to do here is to replace the units that are clearly defective, and do some failure analysis to fix the problem going forward. 

Community Member

EXACTLY! We deserve replacements. The batteries make ZERO difference!

I purchased three Nest Protect Smoke Detectors over the course of a few years. The first two will now not function for more than a few hours to a day with new batteries. I expect to have the same issue soon with the third one. I have had to disconnect the two smoke detectors entirely. I called Google Nest and was told that as they are out of warranty, they will do nothing to replace these defective products or provide any kind of discount for me to purchase new ones. The product is intended to last for 10 years, but are only lasting a few years. I will not buy more of this product and will not purchase any further Google products in the future. I also intend to post this anywhere I can to forewarn other people before they waste a lot of money on a product that will not last more than a few years. Google is essentially scamming people who are just trying to protect their home and families.

Not applicable

This is a totally stupid answer. I have the same issue with one of my detectors. And nobody has ever given a sane answer about the reason why this one drains its batteries so quickly. 

I'm getting disgusted with this issue and Nest. I sit on a State board of Fire Prevention and we allowed the Nest Smoke/Co alarms as an alternative to 10 yr battery. Possibly we will reconsider this unless NEST addresses this issue!!!!!


could you be MORE TONE DEAF??? Everyone has posted they are using the recommended batteries and still having the issue. #fail

Pathetic. "Our product is not fit for purpose but because it's over a year old, you're on your own". Thanks Google for showing how much you want our future custom. 

Community Member

Do you know what the classic definition of insanity is? Doing (or saying) the same thing over and over again... and expecting a different result. That is exactly what NEST/GOOGLE is doing... your product has a serious engineering flaw which has been reported thousands of times... And yet you and your colleagues just repeat the same stupid nonsense. Buyers of these flawed alarms... it is very simple: time for a class action suit to wake Google up. But first why don't we all write Sundar Pichai note expressing our displeasure at the TOTAL DYSFUNCTION of the Nest Business Unit. Just a reading of all these comments and absurd responses should let him know it's time to resolve this with refunds for all buyers of these screwed up units. Otherwise, I am sure there's a good law firm that will start-up a class action... and as usual will make most of the settlement. Nevertheless, Google/Nest needs to be held accountable. This is situation is far worse than the HP settlement where ink cartridges were only 90% full of toner... that cost HP $hundreds of millions. Imagine what this defective product case will cost Google?

Community Member

Mr. Pichai, here is one of thousands of messages posted on the defective NEST Smoke/Co2 alarms you’ve been selling for years.

Please read your own support site and its messaging between thousands of angry customers and your staff that cannot muster any solution to the battery problems of this product:

It’s just a matter of time before a Class is formed and Google is sued. Remember the HP settlement for toner cartridges that were not filled? That one cost HP hundreds of millions.

Cartridge costs to the consumer were just a fraction of the average purchase Nest customers made in good faith… clearly a faith that was and is undeserved give the NEST response.

Just giving you a heads up… I hope you will make things right with Nest customers by refunding their purchases of this obviously defective (and safety sensitive) product.



Community Member

So if you use lithium batteries and you start getting low battery after a few weeks, what's the answer?  

Community Member

I did what Simpleton did, ordered a new one from Amazon and sent the old one back. Its kinda ridiculous but so is this whole thread and situation

It would be nice if we got an actual response, instead of being treated like small children.  This is a smoke detector, you can’t just sweep this under the rug.

Is there any chance we could get some actual help on this years old issue? I think we know how to purchase and install batteries into smoke detectors at this point. Smoke detectors made 30 years ago are more reliable than the Nest.

I used lithium batteries. It’s been 26 hours, now I have “low battery” again. WTF. 

need to do what we all did if want resolved. Buy a new one, send the old back

Just in case someone is looking on this board and is looking to buy this product, DO NOT BUY A GOOGLE NEST. It is a broken device with know software issues and Google will not help you in any capacity, they’ll just take your money and run. Again, DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT.

I was talking about googles battery that came with it


I don’t have a smoke alarm. I have the google/ Nest home security cameras   
I want new cameras. Contact ne at 847-207-2889 or provide me with a phone number 

Community Member

In the absence of support (and meaningful communication) from Google Nest, I offer you…

2 Possible Sollutions


First, try the factory reset / firmware update suggested a couple weeks ago (on this thread) by MarkThewessen. Software is very likely the culprit. While a bit of a hassle, this is better than your device collecting dust.


Second, purchase a New Nest Protect from Amazon, Home Depot, etc. Install the new one and return the bad one with the new receipt. This does feel a little unethical but this is a last resort. I hate to burden a retailer with a bunch of crap merchandise but if enough of us do this, you know retailers will return/complain to Google about faulty product. Will that get their attention? We shall see.

For me (the original poster of this thread), #2 worked like a charm. My original Nest Protect (2016) is still going strong, 3of4 Protects (2021) are still working flawlessly and I returned the 1of4 that kept draining batteries (described in the original post) after purchasing a new one (late 2021). The replacement one has worked flawlessly for almost a year now with no battery issues.


Good luck to you all!

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey everyone,


We understand how important this is for you. Could you also fill out this form so we can dig deeper into this? Let us know once you're done.


I appreciate the help, Emerson and Simpleton.




Form filled in. Thanks 

Filled form. Curious to see what will comes of this. Should I hold my breath?

I have posted multiple times on your forums (including this original post), outlining the issue with granular detail (as you requested).

So far, your response has been...

– Nothing for many months (actually over 1 year)

– A standard response from a "community specialist" (Ebedia) that does not address the issue. Instead, you outlined the required battery type, which if you read my post or looked at the posted pics would know I am using. (We are ALL using Lithium batteries.)

– Your moderator promoted this "community specialist" response as the "Recommended Answer". Likely, this cleared your employee's to do list but does not resolve the issue for customers.

– After another post by me, a different Community Specialist (aatienza) posted, asking us to fill out a form. This appeared to be positive but that form simply asks for me to "describe the issue". This is hilarious! You have all the information I could possibly supply IN THE ORIGINAL POST, while many, many other customers have validated this problem is real by posting here.

That's it. What's the next step Google? You have all the information you need to address this. Will you take action? Many people experiencing the same problem with your product and you do nothing. This is why brick & mortar is unlikely to ever truly die; so many BIG online retailers do not know how to do online customer service.

Community Member

Please help I need to replace the batteries every other month.   I get the  ones that are recommend, Lithium batteries brand new, but those early morning chirps are a problem. 


Do not waste your money on more lithium batteries. The issue is the unit itself. If you've already seen it drain a new set of lithiums, it's time to just return the unit. I returned my dud unit to the physical retailer and the replacement works great, no issue. If you're beyond the return period, buy a new one and then return your faulty unit with the new receipt. Google is providing no help here, so this is the only path they've left us. We've been trying for over a year here with nothing to show.

Community Member

Same issue here. The alarm started chirping after two months of installation with the original batteries. Today is Oct 24, and the unit was manufactured in 2022 Jul 22 ☹️


Do not waste your money on more lithium batteries. The issue is the unit itself. 3 out of the 4 Nest Protect units I purchased are working wonderfully with one unit a dud. I returned my dud unit to the physical retailer and the replacement works great, no issue. Save yourself the headache and return the unit...because you won't get any help from Google here it seems. We've been trying for over a year here with nothing to show.


Do not waste your money on more lithium batteries. The issue is the unit itself. If you've already seen it drain a new set of lithiums, it's time to just return the unit. I returned my dud unit to the physical retailer and the replacement works great, no issue. If you're beyond the return period, buy a new one and then return your faulty unit with the new receipt. Google is providing no help here, so this is the only path they've left us. We've been trying for over a year here with nothing to show.

Community Member

Bought 2 nest protects at Costco in August of 2022. One has drained its batteries in less than 3 months. We'll see how replacement lithium batteries hold up, but not pleased that original lithium batteries dead so fast. Nest says batteries should last ~5 years!

Community Member


Do not waste your money on more lithium batteries. The issue is the unit itself. As your post suggests, some units have this issue, some do not. 3 out of the 4 I purchased are working wonderfully with one unit a dud. Save yourself the headache and return the unit directly to Costco. They have a great return policy...and you won't get any help from Google here it seems. We've been trying for over a year with nothing to show.

Community Member

Same issue here. We purchased 3 devices 18 months ago and I just replaced the batteries in the same device for the 2nd time. The device killing the batteries is also the device closest to our wifi router. I’m going to reach out for a warranty replacement, if they deny it I’ll have to move forward with something else. I’m really too many hundreds of dollars into this to change course, so I’d really rather google just fox the problem.


I can sympathize. I've invested in Google's ecosystem, so it's frustrating when they don't respond here. The issue is the Nest Protect unit and Google has provided zero fixes/software updates/support. If you've already seen it drain a new set of lithiums, it's time to just return the unit. I returned my dud unit to the physical retailer and the replacement works great, no issue. I now have 5 Nest Protects, all working flawlessly.

So if you're beyond the return period, buy a new one and then return your faulty unit with the new receipt. Hate to handle this way but this is the only path Google has left us.