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Condominium Protection

Community Member

I live in a small two-story 10-unit condominium built in the early 90's. We do not have a central fire protection system.  Several of the residents are elderly but all have smart phones. Can a Google Nest Protect fire/CO alarm be installed in each unit to provide early warning and protection for everyone? Specific questions I have:

1 - How many smart phones can receive notification?

2 - Would the system work with each unit having it's own Wi-fi?




I suspect what you're thinking of wouldn't work.

First, you would need a separate Google Nest "home/structure" for each unit since each unit has it's own Wi-Fi, and a Google Nest "home/structure" can include only one Wi-Fi network.

Second, you can have a maximum of 5 Google Nest "homes" on one Google Account.

Third, Google Nest provides only one level of access, so anyone who is a member of a Google Nest "home" has full access and control of all Google Nest devices.

(The Google Nest app does have a Family Accounts capability, with one "owner", up to 9 additional people with Full Access, and to 10 people with Home Entry Only, but I thin that may apply to Nest Secure, which Google Nest is phasing out next year (

Maybe other customers or a Google Nest Community Specialist can provide further insight.

Community Member

(i'm not a google employee)


Also for a multi tenant building, you would be better off with a commercial fire alarm system. It also may or may not be a requirement where you live. 

As @MplsCustomer mentioned, the Nest Protect has limitations preventing it from being used how you would want. 


The Nest Protect is also in a possible transition where we don't know if or when Google might migrate them off of the defunct Nest app to Google Home. I would personally recommend against investing in Nest Protects for fire safety. 


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi everyone,

@cmjackson59, thanks for reaching out here in the Community. Were you able to read the information and check the link that MplsCustomer has shared? In case you have an update, you know where to find us.
I appreciate the help, MplsCustomer.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey cmjackson59,


We wanted to follow up and see if you are still in need of any help. Please let us know if you are still having any concerns or questions from here, as we would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello cmjackson59,

Just one final check in here since activity has slowed down. We'll be locking the thread in the next 24 hours, but if you still need help, we would be happy to keep it open. If there's more we can do, just let us know.